Fifth Columnists for Russia in the West

Please direct to the right wing right solution

@Lazarus was his #1 cheerleader around here

The left are eating ourselves

Basic left wing values, basic any decent values, are that Ukraine has to fight for its freedom against an oppressor who will never stop, until that oppressor is routed, and that it should get every help necessary to achieve that, including western manpower.

There was and remains a profound failure of imagination about the stakes here among so many in the free world and a profound failure to comprehend the reality of the enemy we are dealing with. It drips with western privilege and it stinks. It is imperialistic in its nature.

It’s not even as if much imagination was ever needed. World War II tells us all the basic history we need to know.

The far right, including most of right-wing America, much of the Brexiteer movement and certainly including all of the European far right, are in Putin’s pocket, we all know that. There is a highly vocal segment of the left that are now proving they are either in his pocket too, or the thickest useful idiots around.

This @Cheasty /@balbec love-in is the oddest thing I’ve seen yet on this forum

Any man can become any man. What was your thinking here @Lazarus ?


Sure ignore that bit. What was your logic when you were correctly predicting a war in ukraine and warning against provoking russia?

Et tu Jeremy.

Vindication for @Tim_Riggins you’d have to say


RIP Sidney, wherever you are

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He playing peep show thru the mud you can bet, despite his principles!

Niall Farrell - “Galway Alliance Against War”

SABINA HIGGINS’ LETTER to the Irish Times, which was posted on the President of Ireland’s website, has attracted unfavourable media coverage at home and abroad. It has unnecessarily damaged Ireland’s reputation regarding its position on Russia’s war against Ukraine.

The letter would almost certainly have escaped attention but for the identity and status of its author.

It quickly and embarrassingly attracted the endorsement of the Russian ambassador to Ireland, Yury Filatov. With breathtaking hypocrisy, the Kremlin representative told us “we are all against war”, even as his counterparts in Russia’s London embassy tweeted comments that Ukrainian POWs deserved to die a humiliating death.

The controversy soon gathered pace and headlines such as “Irish president’s wife wins Kremlin kudos for Ukraine peace letter” appeared in the international media.


In stark contrast, Ukrainians, not least amongst the ever-expanding number of refugees who have fled to Ireland, expressed alarm, dismay, and hurt. Former Ukrainian first lady, Kateryna Yushchenko said she was “saddened and surprised” that the letter didn’t recognise Ukraine’s existential threat. Ukrainian MP Kira Rudik said it was “extremely easy to comment on the war when you are not inside the war, and when it is not your country that is being attacked”.

The issue was transformed further when the letter appeared on the President of Ireland’s official website. This magnified in a very significant way the perception that the letter somehow represented an official position or had the president’s imprimatur.

Sabina Higgins has since clarified that the letter was published to a dedicated section on the website which she has had since 2014. She subsequently took it down when she saw it being presented as not being from her, but from the general website.

The letter itself was significantly at odds with Irish government policy. On the day the scandal broke, Ireland’s Ambassador to the United Nations emphasised that “at every meeting on Ukraine, Ireland has called on Russia to end this war and withdraw its forces. Too many people have lost their homes. Too many people have died. Russia alone bears responsibility for this war. Russia alone can end it.”

Commenting on this statement, Ireland’s former ambassador to the EU and the UK, Bobby McDonagh, tweeted: “This is what being truly anti-war in Ukraine looks like. The principled and only position of Ireland”.

Unpacking the letter

In a statement yesterday evening, Higgins clarified that she had “strongly condemned the illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine” from the outset. She added that she was dismayed that people “would find anything unacceptable in a plea for peace and negotiations when the future of humanity is threatened by war, global warming and famine”.

Even at this late stage, Sabina Higgins says she does not recognise why her letter generated consternation and distress, particularly amongst Ukrainians. Understanding those reasons is an important first step in learning lessons from this episode.

The letter begins by controversially advocating a tripartite “peace settlement” between Ukraine, Russia, and (non-defined) “separatists”. There is repeated mention of war but nothing about Russia’s invasion or war crimes. No distinction is made between aggressor and victim. It is implied that presidents Putin and Zelenskyy have an equal responsibility to stop the carnage.

Calling for “peace”, as she did in the original letter, is one thing, but what might “peace” look like? The only clue we got was Higgins’ reference to an op-ed written by retired history professor Geoffrey Roberts in which he argues that the carving up of Ukraine by Russia is inevitable and so Ukrainians should be persuaded to settle now or lose more land/people later.

Without any qualifications, Sabina Higgins described this op-ed as “so welcome” and “thought-out”. The fact that no attempt was made to dissociate herself from the views accepting the dismemberment of Ukraine is remarkable.

To further her argument, Higgins then referred to “our own conflicts” and maintained that in the 1916 Rising, the War of Independence, and the Civil War “the fighting was ended by a ceasefire being called, followed by negotiation”.

This is neither relevant nor accurate. The civil war, for example, didn’t end with negotiations; the anti-Treaty side unilaterally dumped arms. In 1916, the Irish rebels unconditionally surrendered, were rounded up and shot. This is hardly a model Ukrainians would be keen to follow. Indeed, it is what they fear most, which is why many have said that if Ukraine wins, there will be no war but if Russia wins, there will be no Ukraine.

The letter finishes with reference to the First World War, a conflict between empires fighting for no great cause, which is easy to depict as senseless. The choice of poem with which the letter concludes – exhorting combatants to “quit thy foolish ways” – must seem particularly insensitive and patronising to Ukrainians under vicious attack.

This current conflagration is more akin to events that took place during World War 2 when a large nationalistic dictatorship sought to destroy its neighbours.

Sabina Higgins wrote in that letter of a “moral choice” that must be faced. Russia has the choice of stopping its murderous war at any time, but Ukrainians do not believe they have the option to stop defending themselves. Surely the real “moral choice” is whether or not to provide as much support for Ukraine as possible?

Donnacha Ó Beacháin is Professor of Politics at Dublin City University. For more than two decades he has worked and researched in the post-Soviet region and has published widely on the subject.

  • Amnesty International has said the Ukrainian army is endangering the life of civilians by basing themselves in residential areas. The report has been rejected by Ukrainian government representatives, who say it places blame on Ukraine for Russia’s invasion. The human rights group’s researchers found that Ukrainian forces were using some schools and hospitals as bases, firing near houses and sometimes living in residential flats. Ukraine’s deputy defence minister, Hanna Maliar, accused Amnesty of “distorting the real picture” and of failing to understand the situation on the ground.

I saw that earlier and thought to myself the cheek of those Ukrainians. Building schools and hospitals close to each other no doubt also !

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Roger Waters

Corbyn really is a fuckin’ moron. I hate to agree with Martin Amis on anything at all – but Jeremy Corbyn truly is a grade z moron in nth degree. We did not even need to see his de facto endorsement of Brexit for this point of clarity.

