Russia Vs Ukraine (Part 1)

WW3 is long overdue

Looks like the price of a barrel of oil has bottomed out and will start to rise again which means Putin will be back givng it the big licks soon enough.

the russians are planning their economy for estiamte $70/barrel

The Russians will never back down on Ukraine being incorporated into NATO, not for anything beyond a temporary time frame at least. An anti-Russian alliance is being expanded right to their front door. It’s a hostile act as far as they’re concerned.

Have you got the timetable for World Wars handy?

Ukraine are currently, along with Ireland, a member of the NATO backed Partnership for Peace. It would be an open act of war on the part of the West if it granted Ukraine or Georgia for that matter, fully paid up membership of NATO. You can only poke the bear so much.

This part is nuts

“A Foreign Office spokeswoman said no-one could have predicted the scale of the “unjustifiable and illegal” Russian intervention and it was for the people of Ukraine to decide on its relationship with the EU.”

The Russians have been openly stating for almost a decade that they would not tolerate Ukraine coming under Western influence, and they were explicitly stating that Ukrainian statehood ‘could not be guaranteed’ if any moves were made to make this happen. This is exactly what should have been predicted.

It’s also quite amusing to see them claiming that the EU/UK foolishly regarded the Russians as being on a democratic path when it was a democratically elected government that they overthrew.

Apparently Russia proved how undemocratic it was by moving to support a democratically elected government that was overthrown in a coup, according to the people who overthrew that democratically elected government.

The BBC:rolleyes:

Why do you say that pal, Buffet sold off his Exxon Mobil portfolio only yesterday

hasn’t been a good global kickshit in a good few years, we are due a big one

That’s wrong. He sold them towards the end of last year and possibly made a profit on it.

You’re on the ball @TreatyStones I only read the below their yesterday.

He couldn’t have made a profit on those shares up to 31st December.

I hope that the Nutri Bullet supply chain isn’t affected if such global kickshit comes to pass :rolleyes:

Read it in a couple of articles recently-I’ll try to dig them up.

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It was really daft, short-sighted stuff on the Americans part to get involved in the downfall of the Yanukovych government. It’s not even a case of Putin calling NATO’s bluff, Ukraine is a line in the sand for the Russians. It’s pretty damn far from that for the West.

Beyond the nightmare it is for the Ukrainian people themselves, the worst thing about all of this is the boost it will give to the xenophobic, hyper-patriotic element of the Russian political establishment. There were still elements advocating for more conciliatory relations with the West up until fairly recently, but their support has completely collapsed after the apparent Western coup in Ukraine.

Hard to know where it goes from here. Things are so serious that some form of partition and a demilitarized zone probably represents a positive outcome. If the Russians won’t back down due to economic pressure, there’s no way NATO can take a hardline. Not unless they’re legitimately willing to risk starting world war three. Over Ukraine.

great stuff from Putin, all the wankers thought they had him over a barrell a few weeks ago with economic sanctions, he doesn’t give a fuck about any of them, especially that wanker in the white house

[SIZE=6]Vladimir Putin Says Russia’s Military Might Has No Match[/SIZE]
Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday other countries should not have the illusion that they can attain military superiority over Russia, Interfax reported.

“No one should have the illusion that they can gain military superiority over Russia, put any kind of pressure on it. We will always have an adequate answer for any such adventures,” he was quoted as saying in an address he will present next week on the Defenders’ of the Fatherland Day holiday.

The report of Putin’s comments came the same day British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon said that Putin posed a “real and present danger” to the Baltic nations of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, all of which are NATO members. In comments published by The Times, Fallon said NATO was preparing to repel any possible aggression.

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