Fifth Columnists for Russia in the West

Heā€™s the Russian war equivalent of a fanatical Manchester United transfer ITK.



@tallback called it correctly about Bozo. I think he might have been Sid all along. Tallback, not Bozo.

Tallback, not a bozo. Gotcha.

Youā€™d get more kids drinking cans here on a Monday night than for this thinly veiled Putinist gathering. :grinning:

Hereā€™s one of the gobshtes in attendance at the Putinistsā€™ convention down at the Spanish Arch.

Heā€™s as nutty as youā€™d expect.

His latest retweets include:

American right wing conspiracy theorist and grifter Michael Shellenberger

Stella Assange

Irish right wing Twitter flute Robert Burke

Some UK blogger who calls himself @MarkGB, who appears to be a full blown right wing conspiracy theorist, anti-vaccine, pro-Russia whack job

An Italian far right, viciously anti-immigrant account called Radio Genova

Anti-vaccine charlatan Simone Gold of the sham ā€œAmericaā€™s Frontline Doctorsā€ group (none are frontline doctors)

Toby Young

Anti-vaccine grifter Peter McCullough

ā€œRussia At The United Nationsā€ (official Russian UN delegation account)

Max Blumenthal of Putinist disinformation site The Grayzone

Increasingly far right UK ā€œacademicā€ Matthew Goodwin trumpeting in extremely positive tones a rise in support for Germanyā€™s far right AfD

A real quality audience for this shitfest. Only the best people.

Elon Muskā€™s bestest buddy David Sacks

Chat Bowes briefing my for Russia at the security council. Scum. Russia describe him as a ā€œscholar with expertise in small armsā€ and a ā€œfamous international journalistā€.

Total fraud Glenn Griftwald openly supporting coups against democratically elected presidents. I mean who could have seen that coming.

Fuck Bohs

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Nice to see she dressed up for the occasion.

Mick is well and truly rubbed off on her.


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55 years old, and showing up at your place of work in a football jersey :man_shrugging:t2:

she should be horsewhipped


She should be carpeted.

She is going for a bohemian style

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A return to form from Dad jokes :rofl:

Mick Wallace loves an oulā€™ Dalymount.


Jesus that is magnificent.

I see now that Glenn Greenwald is a buddy of Ben Scallan of Grift.

These are the most predictable people in the world.