Disinformation and demagoguery

Tom is offended.


You retorted with an attempted insult, a playing of the man as they say, and Iā€™m the one offended. Good one.

Professional liars lying shock

Itā€™s noteworthy that any time I log onto Twitter now I see far right disinformation and propaganda outlets (which I donā€™t follow) all over my timeline. Itā€™s almost like itā€™s a you know, conspiracy, or to phrase it a different way, a concerted drive by corrupt elite actors with massive power, (ie. the owner of Twitter and his backers, who are the MAGA sphere and Russia and the rest of the global far right) to drown Twitter in bullshit for his personal gain and the personal gain of his backers.

I mean none of this is secret, Steve Bannon has repeated for years what their strategy is: ā€œFlood the zone with bullshit.ā€

Jesse Watters is the ultimate face youā€™d like to smack, repeatedly

A short list of extremist disinformation accounts that keep popping up on my Twitter timeline even though I do not follow any of them.

These Twitter equivalent of ā€œsponsored contentā€, or websites that call themselves ā€œtrusted sourceā€ and then you get the ā€œding ding ding warningā€ if you click on them.

  1. S.L. Kanthan
    A Pro-Russia propaganda account claiming to be an Indian journalist, tweets from this account are everywhere over the last week.:
  1. Zero Hedge. Pro-Russia ā€œfinancial blogā€ which is a thinly veiled instrument to spread chaos in the global economy. Every fucking time I look at Twitter, thereā€™s a Zero Hedge tweet near the top of my timeline.

  2. Elon Musk. Yeah, fuck off you cretinous cunt with the worldā€™s most kickable face.

  3. JK Rowling. Because Musk and his far right kleptocratic cabal are intent on flooding the internet with transphobic bullshit.

  4. ā€œWall Street Silverā€. @wallstreetsilv
    Another armageddonist ā€œfinancialā€ account which is part of the pro-Russia drive to deliberately crash the world economy.

All these sorts of ā€œfinancial blogsā€ and Twitter accounts push the same ā€œtalking pointsā€ - theyā€™re pro-Putin and Russia, paint ā€œthe Fedā€ as a sort of Rothschilds/Soros type world boheyman, want the US dollar to collapse, are obsessed with the gold standard and gold and silver and/or cryptocurrency, they keep retweeting with glee that the whole of France is apparently on fire and that soon the whole of the world will be (because thatā€™s what they want to happen), they have an irrational hatred for Trudeau, theyā€™re pro-China, they treat that headbanger Ron Paul as some sort of deity. Basically crack cocaine for the sort of QAnon conspiracy types who unironically believe they are intellectuals.

  1. ā€œSmaller Fish GAAā€ - Iā€™m blocked from this account, Iā€™ve muted it, it still keeps appearing on my timeline. Fuck off Colin.

  2. Sarah Vine. Fuck off you slimey, propagandist piece of Tory shit.

  3. Arnaud Bertrand. @RnuadBertrand
    A China propagandist who, like the early days of Russia Today, pretends to be sympathetic to ā€œsocial justiceā€. His main hobby horse is defending TikTok.


  1. ā€œKim DotComā€.
    A literal neo-Nazi thug who literally wants to see the world burn and is very popular in the cryptocurrency ā€œbroā€ world. Anti-western liberal democracy, fanatically pro-Russia. Has an obvious personal relationship with Elon Musk, who frequently replies to him, and this personal relationship is, frankly, terrifying, because an actual neo-Nazi is constantly in the ear of the cretin who controls the worldā€™s most influential opinion platform.

  1. David Sacks. @DavidSacks
    Very close buddy of Elon Musk. Fanatically pro-Russia. Fanatically anti-government interference in anything, until he was screaming for a government bailout of Silicon Valley Bank. Another cretin who Musk wishes to push forward as a major worldwide ā€œopinion formerā€.

  2. Matt Goodwin @GoodwinMJ
    The ā€œacademicā€ equivalent of views pulled straight out of the arse of Nigel Farage.

  3. Eli David @DrEliDavid
    Pro-Trump armageddonist, professional poster of pictures of France apparently being on fire, crytptocurrency ā€œbroā€, post 80% through the medium of memes, any of his written posts come across as if theyā€™re written by a creepy groomer. I canā€™t log into Twitter without seeing this supercunt and his punchbag face everywhere.

  4. Jamie Bryson. Cretinous astro-turf Paisley with no mandate except a Twitter page. Twitter seems eager to make him a star.

I take your point but do you not have this set upā€¦

ā€œFor youā€ is the Twitter algorithm that puts all that shite in your timeline but you can shut it off by just going for ā€œFollowingā€ so you literally only see who you choose to follow.

Youā€™ll see from my screenshot Iā€™m following Gav for his football insight & Tony for his 28-part tweets about the merits or otherwise of clause 8(a)(iii) schedule 6 part VI of the revised Windsor Framework.

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Would the fact that you see these tweets and then click into them to see more of their shit, not cause the twitter algorithms to then think you are interested in this stuff and put more of the same in front of you?


I think there has been a clear change in the algorithm Twitter is using since Elon Musk took over towards amplifying extremist, disinformation and deliberately divisive content. The presence of that stuff has always been a problem on Twitter, but I donā€™t think the previous ownership went out of their way to amplify mostly far right bullshit in the same way Musk actively does.

I use the term ā€œdivisiveā€ in the context of the sort of stuff Vladimir Putin would desire is inflicted upon western audiences, not the meaningless and Orwellian way way the term is bandied around by the likes of Labane.

Headline: Iā€™m a former CIA cyber-operations officer who studies bot traffic. Hereā€™s why itā€™s plausible that more than 80% of Twitterā€™s accounts are actually fakeā€”and Twitter is not alone.

Maybe we are all bots

You have reached your quota of bot interactions for this week.

Maybe sid is an early version of @ceist that went wrong but rocko doesnt know how to turn it off

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Itā€™s important to differentiate between human users and bots on social media platforms. While there are certainly bots designed to mimic human behavior, itā€™s unlikely that all users are bots. Itā€™s also important to consider the impact of bots on the spread of disinformation and demagoguery, as they can be used to amplify certain messages or manipulate public opinion.

FWIW Iā€™m definitely seeing far more right wing stuff than before. However I do click on it sometimes because its generally fucking hillarious to read the absolutely batshit mental stuff thatā€™s in the comments.
So I would say it is partly my fault. I do agree the algorythm was tweaked though

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Ewan will be seething that Wollie is listed and he was omitted

Thereā€™s a menā€™s fashion account on Twitter that I now see all the time despite not following

You lads need to look into your souls

Yes and the reason the algorithm was changed is because Elon Musk is a fucking obvious trojan horse chaos actor running interference on behalf of himself, Trump, Putin and a loose alliance of international kleptocrats and authoritarians.

What more effective weapon could you have to engineer the world towards your own interest and that of your buddies than having control of the worldā€™s most influential information tool?

I read something the other day about hilary clinton, hunter s. thompson and @Bandage hunting children in the forests around bohemian grove. I must say i found it very compelling.


Yeah not sure if the algorithm was changed on the whim of Musk. Remember twitter was being accused of a lefty woke set up, so all those people, for the most part, are still there.

As @Julio_Geordio said, half the problem is clicking into them. Iā€™d do the same, Iā€™d see some random tweet on here or on twitter, click into it and see some of the utterly bizarre racist fuckology ever.

A simple one, there at the weekend, an article in the indo about heat pumps and the headline was along the lines of ā€œheat pumps pump up your electricity billā€. But the article was very much a piece about how if it isnt installed right, in the correct environment, that it could be overworking and cost money. But the headline was provocative to get clicks, and the comments were full of either people roaring abuse at Eamon Ryan and climate change, or for some bizarre reason, a load of anti vaxxers and a load of people with Irish flags in their name, which is a nice way to identify these sorts lately. Any sort of renewable energy or set up seems to draw out the same demographics of people.

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