Fifth Columnists for Russia in the West

Ewan McKenna (unsurprisingly of course, what would you expect :man_shrugging:)

Russia’s ambassador to Ireland has welcomed the intervention of Sabina Higgins, wife of President Michael D Higgins, who has called for a negotiated settlement to the war in Ukraine.

Fenerbache FC

Both of them have been indulged as some.sort of"conscious of the nation" for the past 10 years without any pushback.


What’s the issue here? Ive no idea who she is but surely the test and value of diplomacy is found amongst hawks and not doves. There’s no clean victory ahead for either russia or Ukraine. Russia are better placed to feed soldiers into the meat grinder- that’s their dubious advantage over Ukraine. It’ll end in negotiations one way or the other. The sooner the better.

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Her statements have no place on the website of the President.


Regardless of the topic

True. Miggledy has enough on his plate. Literally.


no, no, no the hard left cannot have peace

Simon Jenkins, opinion columnist for The Guardian.

Geoffrey Roberts “Emeritus Professor of History” at UCC. A Putin fanboi fantasist.

Sabina Higgins admiringly quoted him in her letter to the Irish Time, which is more than a bit concerning.

Here’s Professor Roberts in Moscow being “honoured” in Moscow for his “work” in 2013. I’ve little doubt the Russians would happily fly him to Moscow to lavish praise on him again, and again after that.

Eddie O’Sullivan is NOT happy

He’s not nicknamed The Dagger for nothing

Eddie is a great man

Eddie hasn’t been this upset over 3 years left on a term since Ireland won in Paris 22 years ago


Sabina Higgins keeps digging. Dog ate my homework excuse for putting her letter up on the official presidential website and doubling down on her Putinist narratives.

Jeremy Corbyn. This is a fucking disgrace. And he did it on a pro-Iran pro-Assad, pro-Hezbollah channel.

Donald Trump certainly not hiding he’s completely in Putin’s pocket.

Seumas Milne