Fifth Columnists for Russia in the West

The Times had a two page spread on the coverage Mick and Claire get in Russia, Syria and China yesterday. Mick is known as Golden Lion King in China.

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A thoroughly wnjoyable read. Bizarre link with the Lithuanian MEP. I wonder how indebted Mick Wallace is and if he ever got political donations off rich russians like the tories or republicans who retweet the same stuff as him and hold pro-russian views like him?

Edited after some light touch moderation from @Bandage he might think of editing the post he replied to…

An interesting class room in Mariupol.

Excellent pupil teacher ratio. They’re fucked coming over here…

I see they’re suing RTÉ. They seem to have ample funds to take on litigation cases so I’d tread carefully when mentioning them online.

It’s a very minor thing in the grand scheme of things, but I thought fan owned Wexford FC might have made moves by now to get his name off their jerseys. Yer man delivering his “anti-war” message in the EU Parliament in the club jersey. FFS sake. :grimacing:



Rand Paul. This guy is a full blown Putin asset.


Sure just fire ahead there and say Ireland is part of Britain, no difference.

Henry Kissinger

The second Kissinger opens his trap the immediate thought should be ‘what is this cunts angle now’.


Henry Kissinger, the cause of and solution to all of the Worlds Wars


This fucker….


It’s always the people you expect…

Bernie Ecclestone

Sabina Higgins

Steven Pinker

I should clarify that Pinker’s intervention demonstrates genuine fifth columnist tendencies, Higgins’s is deluded Mary Poppins sloganeering.

Just to reiterate that Gerhard Schroder is a Russian asset and has been for a looong time. And lads here shrieking like banshees that Trump had nothing to do with Russia.

Some lads are awful naive altogether.