Fifth Columnists for Russia in the West

The recent sanction of Wallace and Daly for unauthorised election observer trips to Ecuador and Venezuela reflects the growing discomfort of fellow left-wing MEPs, and in other groups about the two.

Their use of their European Parliament platform to champion views shared by various authoritarian governments has caused bemusement, but sharp criticisms, too, across nationalities and political groups in the parliament.

Ah now… You’ll have to come up with more than that. I know little about the organisation they had reservations about but they merely seemed to question it’s impartiality there.

I know sure, they’re heroes really

Im reading the below at the minute… A very interesting book (i knew little about the subject matter) but like every war, there’s always only one winner, the money makers.

Look over there!

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Well done on proving Clare’s point :clap::clap::clap:

There’s lads on here repeating views of authoritarian regimes every day, presumably they’re voting for Wallace and Daly. Sure they’re only representing their constitutents.

She’s an awful bag of shite.


That may be. But we have The EU pumping billions in weaponry, for the first time, into a non eu country. That’s not what the EU was founded for, the opposite if anything. It deserves to be highlighted and scrutinized… Who’s paying? Who’s profiting? Will it now be a normal function of the EU going forward? Where does Ireland as a neutral country sit on this and possible future armaments? The EU isn’t a military alliance, it’s an economic one - and it should be using all of it’s influence to disarm Russia through diplomacy… What happens when the current conflict ends, the different factions that currently make up the Ukrainian army hand back all these weapons? :rofl:… I think we’ve seen this story a few times before … Afghanistan says hello.

Guns dont stop wars, rappers do.


Would you ever fuck off you geebag


No. As much as you’d like that, myself and Clare are going nowhere.

Ukraine are flagrantly flouting the results of the recent elections by attacking Kherson. The people have spoken and they want to be aligned with Russia. Time for the EU to supply Russia with weaponry to repel these bloodthirsty Ukrainian warmongers, or at least explore more diplomacy options in the first instance.

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That’s superb; ballsy and right on the money. Zelensky had a deal in place last march- but for the ‘principles’ of the the likes of boris and joe. Principles that have cost tens of thousands of lives, a hardening of russian positions and which will leave Ukraine with less than they would have had. Meanwhile we flirt with nuclear disaster and the people of the donbas etc are threatened with the prospect of a Ukrainian victory. The humanitarian well-informed woke lads amongst us should ask what sort of bloodbath that would involve.

What deal was on the table after being invaded?

Independence for the parts of eastern Ukraine that wanted independence from Kiev, russia to cease hostilities and return to pre-February positions. Why don’t you know this?

How was that deal seen as positive?

It would have saved tens of thousands of lives, it would have brought peace to eastern Ukraine for the first time in eight years, we wouldn’t be skirting nuclear war, a recession could have been avoided, a possible civil war averted, a refugee crisis mitigated. Eastern europe could have solved its problem without soldiers and civilians padding out some military industrialist’s wet dream. The list is endless
On the down side karen and breda would have had to move on to the latest thing, and silly schoolboy notions of ‘victory’ would be deflated somewhat

So the Invasion was pointless

I left out the clause about Ukrainian neutrality.

Putin should hire you, it would clear up this dreadful misunderstanding in jig-time