Fifth Columnists for Russia in the West

Putin rejected the deal. You’re still shilling for the invaders. But but the Donbass.

You should either grow up or continue posting secondhand banal shite

I thought i recalled reading that the Lisbon treaty specifically states that no military spending whatsoever shall be allowed with EU monies… But i suppose Orwell had it right with Animal Farm, who can remember these laws over time

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He actually didn’t. Boris flew in and threatened to withdraw western support.
Meanwhile poland is requesting to be allowed to bend over to the usa. Shouldn’t you be concerned?

The EU seriously needs to come of age. Why in the fuck would enlightened cultured European democracies, cultures and identities bend over for a bundle of profiteering, spoiled hicks?

Not in the slightest. I don’t think you have any appreciation of the distrust of Russia around here. And that didn’t start on February 24th either.,

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Here comes @balbec winding up a big one. England is little more than a landing strip for the usa. Now poland wants to host american nukes.
Not buy them…just babysit them FOC.
You literally couldn’t make it up.

They been bending over for Filthy Russians for decades too mate.

Whats your point? Did you trust ukraine…and what was the Polish kgb/stasi called?
Time you all moved on. Quit vying for a suck at america?

That doesn’t mean anything. Have you learned anything of worth tonight?

I genuinely do not give a fuck what you think.

I love you brother.

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Shur you dont give a fuck full stop. America will instruct poland to start conscripting…they wont give a fuck what you think. Maybe you’ll come to your senses then? Maybe not.

Are you ok?


What didn’t you understand?

That post I quoted. You come across a bit demented

I know. That’s because you’re ignorant . But I’ll explain…the 2019 clamour for ventilators has been replaced by a 2022 clamour for nuclear weapons. A few years ago America made the dubious move of installing nuclear capable weapons systems in romania. Poland has gone a step further and invited america to put nuclear launch sites anywhere they fancy. I just thought balbec should know.
If you’re uncertain as to the implications I’ll remind you that a lot less conformist poster once said you can only poke the russian bear so much

The Russian bear morphed into a little fanny though

A despicable Cunt

The steady militarisation of the EU and more so the acceptance of it by the average person is scary