Fifth Columnists for Russia in the West

I only say what I say because it’s the facts.

Putin has behaved in the same way as Hitler did for a very long time, and therefore he should be treated like Hitler was.

Well knock me down with a feather.

Dominic Cummings.

The Pope

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The pro putin right wing Nazi…

As my good Cockney mate says down the pub “All Argies are facking cheetahs”

Your good cockney mate sounds like a prick. Jealous tans.

There doesn’t have to be a smoking gun to see what the pope’s at here

Are they not all pricks?

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Nice bit of genocide denial from Lady Haw Haw of Fingal.

Mortified for @mikehunt

It’s sad how things have turned out for Claire and Mick but their trojan work uncovering establishment corruption at home should not be forgotten.

You should be ashamed of yourself

Clare is an Irish hero.

Lula de la Silva, ironic that the lefty headbanger replacing the righty headbanger resulted in an actual pro Russian, not just a tankie.

The level of deep rooted corruption they witnessed domesticslly has tainted their world view. Incredible that despite all their madness as MEPs that nodding donkey Sean Kelly is still our biggest embarrassment out there.

It seems you’ve followed them headfirst once again into a weird tangle of bizarre make believe.

Have they nothing better to be doing?

Obviously getting paid with free phones or something…

You’re confused.

You’re craven.