Fifth Columnists for Russia in the West

Chat shit get banged

Absolute bastards

Fuck Wexford

Grow up. If you care that much then send your sixteen year old off to be slaughtered in the trenches. For what its worth neither vlad, joe, vlad ii nor hunter would bother to look his direction.
Fair play to claire

You Wexford Cunt

Youā€™re half right

Fuck me

Putin sent all these men to die

Nobody else

He can stop all the killing tomorrow

Just go home


Would you ever catch yourself on. Keep your wise interpretation for your interactions with karen etc.
There were 14k dead in the donbas before putin arrived. Explain that with your obedient lazy callous polite narrative
Sorry to un-rhyme your poem.

Soā€¦let me get this straightā€¦youā€™re saying Putin had NOTHING to do with the invasion of Donbas in 2014?

Do you buy used lawnmower engines, by any chance?

Lord, tis been a while since i drunk posted

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Thatā€™s ok. Itā€™s been a while since I sober posted

Clsssic padjo off his head on yokes

I assume you mean 2022, since you pretend to be unaware of anything that happened before the russian invasion. But Iā€™ll be patient- he has been involved since 2014 - arming the various sepratist movements, probably providing soldiers and training, ostensibly to enable them to defend themselves, and probably to create some sort of bulwark and/or destabilisation within Ukraine. That said he also tried to bring peace to the region- arguing against these areas joining russia, negotiating the minsk accords etc

Btw hereā€™s one of hundreds of amnesty international reports on your heroes behaviour , circa 2014

No, I donā€™t mean 2022, I mean 2014.

You said 14k.

14k is commonly cited figure about how many people died in the Donbas after the Russian invasion of 2014.

Are you seriously saying Putin had nothing to do with the Russian invasion of Donbas and Crimea in 2014?

What on earth will you come out with next? That Hitler had nothing to do with the Nazi invasion of Czechoslovakia?

Where did anyone say that? Donā€™t bother contriving some bizarre interpretation and then claim its obvious.

You did?

Ah ffs. I was answering padjoā€¦i believe he was referring to '22. Sure i already provided you with a little historical context aboveā€¦

Where does your 14k figure come from and to what exactly does it refer?

14k is widely circulated figure about how many people died in the fighting from when Russia invaded in Donbas in 2014 up to February 23rd, 2022. That seems a plausible and realistic figure to me.

But you say 14k had apparently died ā€œbefore Putin arrivedā€.

But Putin ā€œarrivedā€ in 2014.

Now, you seem to be of the belief that either i) that there was some mystery undocumented (fictional) massacre by Ukraine in Donbas before March 2014 which killed 14k or ii) that Putin was not involved in the 2014 Russian invasion of Donbas, after which the 14k died.

I donā€™t know know, perhaps you believe both. I think you deliberately choose to believe a lot of things which are arrant nonsense and the fact that you consistently talk in riddles and obfuscation and bullshit makes it basically impossible to converse with you, which I think is your aim.

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Arguably, as i mentioned in the little prep sheet i sent you. But, as Iā€™ve already said padjo was referring to the invasion of '22. I was just pointing out that there had already been conflict there for years. Iā€™ll leave you to the sectarian headcountā€¦Iā€™m familiar enough with how futile an exercise itā€™ll be.

There has been a ā€œconflictā€ in Donbas for ā€œyearsā€, ie. since 2014, because Putin deliberately created it by putting Russian Little Green Men, ie. Russian army, on the ground.

Putin carried out an invasion of a sovereign country.

Again, it all goes back to three words.

Putin is Hitler.

If you understand those three words, youā€™ll understand pretty much everything.

If you choose not to understand those three words, you choose to understand nothing.

Whatever you say.