Fifth Columnists for Russia in the West

You realise what a ceasefire is? Itā€™s where both sides in a war halt hostilities? Oddly enough you ignore the sizable elements of neo-nazi factions that are in the Ukrainian military. I think thatā€™s because deep down you are very right wing and fascist yourself.

All the attendees at that anti-war meeting are left wing politicians with track records in speaking out against Western imperialism. Privileged, middle class, right wing white boys like yourself have a problem with socialist or left wing politicians speaking out against the political systems that keep people of your modest intelligence and moral bankruptcy in the comfortable ruling class.

I do realise what a ceasefire is, yes. You want Ukraine to stop fighting against the imperialist fascist invading force that is currently occupying part of its territory.

Can you explain how that is anti-imperialist? You want the russian imperialist occupying forces to be safe from attack from Ukraine? Surely thatā€™s a bit odd?

Evidently you donā€™t. Both sides halt hostilities during a ceasefire not one side. I want the Russians to stop as much as the Ukranians. Same as I want the Ukrainian forces to be as safe as the Russian forces.

What is obvious is you are very intertwined to Western imperialism and war crimes and have zero issues with the neo-nazi elements in Ukrainian military, this is the umpteenth time you have ignored this reality.

You are desperately trying to misrepresent my position. I am neutral, I stand against Russian imperialism every bit as much as I do western imperialism. I will repeat my previous statement as it sums you down to a tee.

All the attendees at that anti-war meeting are left wing politicians with track records in speaking out against Western imperialism. Privileged, middle class, right wing white boys like yourself have a problem with socialist or left wing politicians speaking out against the political systems that keep people of your modest intelligence and moral bankruptcy in the comfortable ruling class.

Youā€™re a fascist, a priviliged middle class white man, who is clearly a racist and whose biggest worry in the world is a fairer society where you donā€™t get ahead by those privileges. In a fair society you know that you canā€™t stab people in the back or suck them off to get to the top.

How far would you go back?

Can you clarify, do you want the Russians to retreat from Ukrainian territory before this ceasefire? That would make sense, Iā€™d agree with you if so.

And the other bits I mentioned but you ignored.

Western Imperialism also needs to be reigned in and Western imperialists also need to be brought to the Hague.

The West didnā€™t like it when Julian Assange spoke out, did they? The West cry and bellow about Navalny but at the same time want to kill Assange.

I want a negotiated settlement, which will also involve concessions and sanctions on Western imperialists as well as Russian ones.

The ideal solution is a full restoration of an independent Ukraine and one which is a puppet state for nefarious Western or Russian influences. You donā€™t that as youā€™re a war mongering Western imperialist.

Let Russia have Crimea and whatever the internationally recognised borders were pre invasion

The most important period of world history 2002-2009 is the only one that counts for @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

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So you support Ukraineā€™s right to negotiate as they see fit?

I have no problem with NATO countries or NATO backed regimes being called to task for war crimes committed

Clare Daly is no longer socialist mate. She left the socialist party and threw her lot in with the golden lion.
She even refused to vote for saving immigrants from drowning in the med, a vote youā€™ve brought up yourself lately.

Thatā€™s very disappointing to hear.

Still though not as bad as the very right wing fascist party of Ireland, FG, who actually voted to drown migrants.

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Agreed. In fairness, vlad probably told her not to. The vote caused chaos and he loves that.

Great to have you onboard the Palestine train bud. Do you think our boys should go on a rampant suicide bombing campaign against the occupying Israeli scum?

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Anyone who is happy with how the current immigration process is being run is drowning immigrants and making people traffickers fortunes in the process

Sure one of the sole reasons we have some many people fleeing the middle east for Europe, thus causing the refugee crisis, is all the meddling the US have done in the middle east and the tyrants they have backed in the middle eastern countries who have committed war crimes, killed millions and displaced millions more.

@glasagusban not vocal about that though, those people are probably too brown in their complexion for him to care.

Probably not, I donā€™t think it would advance their cause.

What security would that offer civilians in donetsk?

A great woman

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