Fifth Columnists for Russia in the West

There is a field. Iā€™ll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
The world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase each other
Doesnā€™t make any sense.

Thatā€™s a bit rich considering the same fella doxxed half the forum when he got banned

Intuition is also biased as it assumes we know something when in reality we think we know.

Matt Gaetz
Marjorie Taylor Greene

It may or may not be correct but if it is correct it comes from the truest source and is irrefutable.

Isnā€™t MTG the mas lunatic conspiracy theorist one?

Sheā€™s one of them. The Republican party is a lunatic conspiracy theorist party.

More fifth columnists: this lot.

Disappointing to see Connolly associating with the lunatics.

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Seems the forumā€™s premium right wing posters are against an anti-war rally where left wing politicians are speaking against Western imperialism and war crimes.

The same posters who consistently harbour for war, behind the comfy confines of their keyboards.

You really could not make it up.

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Catherine Connolly is a very honourable woman which is why sheā€™s attending an anti-war rally.

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Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll call for a full withdrawal of Russian forces as a pretext to peace negotiations


Connolly is the same as Wallace and Daly. She just markets herself better. She went to Syria and got the Assad guided tour. Needs to be booted out of the Dail next time. Farrell is dodgy as fuck.

A ceasefire and negotiations are what is needed.

The absurd hypocrisy on show throughout this conflict from the warmongers is off the charts. Itā€™s boils down to the partisan support for Western imperialism. The whole human rights, democracy, yadda, yadda ya do not come into the equation with the Western fascists. They will literally put their money and support behind any fascist tyrant as long as they will have geo-political or economic gain out of it.

They will then tarnish anyone netural or anti-western imperialist as being on the other side which shows how insecure and amoral they are in their own position.

No regime has as much blood and death on their hands as the western regimes.

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Paddy Cosgraveā€™s patsy Chay Bowes, again.

I find this post a bit odd.

You refer to western imperialism, but you support russian imperialism. You want Ukraine to stop fighting against an occupying imperialist force. Is that not a bit odd?

The west are fascists but, again, you support the russian fascist regime and want Ukraine to stop fighting against it.

Any reason why?


Again, based on a restoration of Ukraineā€™s historical borders, otherwise Russiaā€™s invasion is rewarded. A federal Ukrainian state then post war

I donā€™t support Russian imperialism. This is what you do. Misrepresent people, misrepresent their positions. Why do you do this? Insecurity in your position, insecurity in your ability, afraid of an honest and intelligent debate?

Everyone on here knows you as a coward and worthless troll. I wouldnā€™t be one bit surprised if you had lots of Eoghan McDermott little secrets in your closet, as your virtue signaling has been belied by your odious traits, racism and cowardly acts on here all too often.

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Punishment for Russians for their war crimes.
Severe sanctions on NATO.
Accountability for US intelligence and their meddling in regimes halfway across the world.

Ok steady on there.

Can we just clarify, you want an immediate ceasefire? Which means you want Ukraine to stop fighting against the occupying imperialist facsist invading russian force?