Fifth Columnists for Russia in the West


What about attacks on civilians ?

Can you flesh out your argument here mate?

You believe Ukrainian Far Right leaning extremists attacked Russian leaning civilians in Eastern Ukraine. You state this to have happened many times.

I canā€™t prove it did or didnā€™t happen.

What seems apparent from research Iā€™ve done is this wasnā€™t an issue in the regions pre 2012.

Some reports say Russia ignited tensions in the region and supplied separatist with the tools to fight.

Is that an inconceivable notion to you?

Yes, putin made Ukraine use cluster bombs on civilians, so he did

Who made the IRA bomb Enniskillen?

Cornel West

Maggie Thatcher

Iā€™m half minded to go down to the Menlo Park Hotel on June 22nd with a pot of red paint when these genocide lovers are gathering, including Mick Wallace, Clare Daly, Catherine Connolly, Mairead Farrell and George fucking Galloway.

Mairead Farrellā€™s brother is the main man in this. Sinn Fein have big questions to answer that one of their TDs seemingly supports Russiaā€™s genocidal invasion.

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Itā€™s like satire.

Chay has it all figured out

Sid called it from a long way out on this scumbag.

Heā€™s the Russian war equivalent of a fanatical Manchester United transfer ITK.



@tallback called it correctly about Bozo. I think he might have been Sid all along. Tallback, not Bozo.

Tallback, not a bozo. Gotcha.

Youā€™d get more kids drinking cans here on a Monday night than for this thinly veiled Putinist gathering. :grinning:

Hereā€™s one of the gobshtes in attendance at the Putinistsā€™ convention down at the Spanish Arch.

Heā€™s as nutty as youā€™d expect.

His latest retweets include:

American right wing conspiracy theorist and grifter Michael Shellenberger

Stella Assange

Irish right wing Twitter flute Robert Burke

Some UK blogger who calls himself @MarkGB, who appears to be a full blown right wing conspiracy theorist, anti-vaccine, pro-Russia whack job

An Italian far right, viciously anti-immigrant account called Radio Genova

Anti-vaccine charlatan Simone Gold of the sham ā€œAmericaā€™s Frontline Doctorsā€ group (none are frontline doctors)

Toby Young

Anti-vaccine grifter Peter McCullough

ā€œRussia At The United Nationsā€ (official Russian UN delegation account)

Max Blumenthal of Putinist disinformation site The Grayzone

Increasingly far right UK ā€œacademicā€ Matthew Goodwin trumpeting in extremely positive tones a rise in support for Germanyā€™s far right AfD

A real quality audience for this shitfest. Only the best people.

Elon Muskā€™s bestest buddy David Sacks

Chat Bowes briefing my for Russia at the security council. Scum. Russia describe him as a ā€œscholar with expertise in small armsā€ and a ā€œfamous international journalistā€.