Fine Gael - Hugging The Touchline On The Right Wing?

Adult education is critical for an advancing society still.

It’s OK, I know you don’t mean in in a derogatory way. Look, regardless of IQ or whatever measure of intelligence you use, everyone has the potential to have a successful life and contribute to society. Some of the thickest cunts imaginable have done well for themselves.

… it can be multi layered and cater for people with difficulties - of course it can. But how do you respect the state and society - and feel a part of it, if you dont participate in it or work for it. The sneering attitude of @TheUlteriorMotive has failed for nearly 200 years now - how else do you go about changing society? — there’s an ignorance and brazen-ness to some of the Irish lower class that’s unparalleled. Crime and drugs and the likes happens every where - but even the chavs in England have some level of decorum …

Agree 100% - it always will … but there’s ridiculous money being thrown at it currently – you’d wonder could a lot of that money be best used somewhere else if we lived in a different society.

Education is key alright, just not in a requirement to have passed state exams as they currently exist way,
But compleyely withholding payments would cause huge problems, troubled teenagers have a very short sighted view and troubled young adults won’t go without a few quid, it’s a tricky one

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A lot of the money spent by the ETBs is on adult education for those with disabilities through their own services and charities.

There is certainly a heap of waste and things could be done better, but there is also an element of keeping people at something day to day which is no bad thing.

If we are talking about resource allocation. I get lambasted as uncaring for saying that a €5 a week dole increase is a poor use of resources (and additionally unfair, you had to be earning €50k plus to get the same weekly tax cut from the government in previous budgets). I think it is a poor use of resources in a labour market heading to full employment. I have no issue with money well spent and if this was diverted elsewhere.

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Society has changed a lot in the last 200 years pal. I have already told you how to change outcomes.

What’s this lad running from?


And the person who cooks them toast, gives them a cup of tea and let’s them have a normal half hour in many cases.
Intelligence may be hereditary but poverty definitely is. Same areas, same schools every time. Breaking that cycle is incredibly difficult because the biggest factor in educational attainment is the home environment. Their expectations are set by the world around them. A kid with a shit home life or even just bad examples there needs help and support and at the same time their parents need help and/or sometimes a kick up the hole. Witholding dole for poor school attendance/grades, free food, extra curricular supports and activities are all worth a shot imo. Social workers, home liaisons,
Work placements, sponsored apprenticeships. Multiple carrots, multiple sticks. A lot of the above exists in various forms but it’s too scattergun an approach and morale/cooperation amongst different areas are poor.


A giant Chinese head with a hat on it looks like.


People expect parents to be the answer to everything… The parents need to do x, y and b… If the parents were brought up in a horrible environment, how the fuck are they supposed to magically provide their kids with a different life?it’s a tricky one, but the state has a roll.

The problem with our education up to now is that it is for the middle and upper classes. Leaving Cert can be bought and overall it’s route learning to land a course in whatever production is fashionable. We are educating for jobs, not society. How do you balance it so we are getting both?

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Go back to beating the shit out of anyone who acts the cunt?

I believe you educate the person mainly in skills, interpersonal skills and social responsibility. No fucker who has the skills won’t be able to pick up whatever knowledge is required for a specific job. But there are plenty of extremely well educated people who may even be experts in their fields who can’t relate to or deal with other people and haven’t a drop of common sense.
In short…
1/Train lads to be able to ring their own takeaway.
2/ Make them learn Irish til their ears bleed green.
I think that’s everything.

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Steady on, there’s no need to drag @Bandage into this

A conviction

Anyone in FG gonna comment on the Taoiseach sending Kylie Minogue an official letter from his office pleading with her to meet him when she visits? My office is only across the road from where you are staying… it was cringeworthy

It would have been twice as creepy if he was straight and sent it

Was that not last year? Thought that was out in the open a good while?

No the meeting was out in the open but he refused twice under foi requests to publish the letter he sent her.