Fine Gael - Hugging The Touchline On The Right Wing?

He likes to build a strawman so leave him to it.

Here I don’t give a shit - go and converse with Sidney or someone.

Unreal insight mate, let us know the next time you see something from your transport commute and the profound impact it had on you.

Typical Farmer, looking down on ordinary folk. Devin Toner-esque.

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It’s the parents you need to reach in my opinion rather than the kids at a young age, educational underachievement like poverty is a vicious cycle and if the interest isn’t there at home it will fade away in most cases,
The most important work being done in DEIS school here is by the Home School Liason officers, a decent one is worth it’s weight in gold

Fair point, as in many instances the parents don’t want to know, but I agree need to be pressured. It’s a lot easier reach a kid though in my experience than an adult as they are not so set in their ways.

I thought that because artfoley wasn’t around that ‘joke’ wouldn’t arise.

There’s no one saying Ireland is 3rd world, there are tonnes of positives about living here — But Your argument always falls back to comparing Ireland to other countries - compare Ireland to Honduras and you’ll see Ireland is a paradise. I frankly dont care what other countries are at, i dont live there nor will I ever. Just because we do some things well does not mean we should not strive for better - you seem happy with the status quo, fair enough, but that too is a very Irish attitude — i’m doing fine, fuck everyone else.

My post above was more in reference to the attitude of looking down on the less well off for not living to the same standards as those who are doing well for themselves - it’s pure ignorance


I have said it multiple times on here … you shouldnt get a cent from the state until you at least pass the state examinations. You want to be a citizen and receive payments from the state, then do your part. Education is the way to go — we’ve created a handout culture to an extent by being soft on our approach — everyone knows what they are entitled to and how to get it … again tho, it’s easy look down on the people the are milking the system but they’ve been brought up in it since they were born, it’s what they know. Getting angry and calling these people scum does not alleviate anything as it just pushes creates a further vacuum between people caught up in this cycle - which is generational.

It starts and ends with education



Of course we should strive to be better, humanity cannot stand still. That is obvious.

Of course we compare to other countries because often the narrative boils down to “only in Ireland”.

For example the National Children’s Hospital fiasco. It was wrong that it happened and it was funny to see that twerp Harris outside of his comfort zone, however, this will always bring out the people to say “only in Ireland”. It isn’t.

Berlin Airport, Cross Rail, Wembley, Tottenham’s new stadium, the Big Dig…I could go on. Bridges, transportation, roads, stadiums and whatever you’re having, they are going over budget. Architects joke about it.

It is that lack of perspective which leads to people torpeadoing much needed public infrastructure projects.

The media run on short term narrative and often a lack of facts. If I was to have one particular “Irish” criticism, it is how the media often run public policy through human interest stories. The examples are countless and it invariably leads to bad policy.

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Impossible, there’s an amount of people out there with mild learning difficulties who’d never pass and find it difficult to get employment for obvious reasons, it couldn’t work, a backwards step

How do you go about creating active citizens without some minimum standard? - I dont agree with kids being left drop out of school at 16/17 and then turning to social welfare and potentially crime to fund themselves. There’s no free ride in life - living in a society means giving up some degree of freedom to participate in society. It also means the governments also force some measure of participation also — making people get an education is one of the least coercive ways of going about it. Obviously, there would be extenuating cases that you’d have to legislate for - it’s not soviet Russia i’m putting forward … but we can do better for ourselves and our citizens — how else do you propose to break the cycle of poverty / handout culture ? It wont happen on its own.


They can be catered for, mate … It’s not Pol Pot’s Cambodia here i’m proposing. Such people can still play a part in society … There’s an amount of handicaps posting here and they seem to be doing ok.


We’re not talking about ‘handicaps’ here,
Intelligence is often hereditary, kids from deprived backgrounds have significantly higher levels of learning difficulties, your idea is just pushing them further into poverty, I don’t know if you’re serious?

Another one word or if you’re lucky two word response incoming from glass

The USA spends $16,268 per year on education on every child in the country that goes to school, that’s $211,484 if they graduate high school. That’s a hell of an investment, and in most cases in pays off.

Yeah, you’re right. Everything is fine - let’s just leave it as is :+1:

This is your response when the first idea you have is questioned?

You’re not allowed say intelligence is hereditary, as you will be accused of supporting eugenics.

I’ve talked about it multiple times before- I dont have the will to go over it all again … especially with people who lack the imagination to see that there are always ways you can revolutionize how we currently do things to make it better.

Right now the government is throwing multi millions at adult education on multiple levels - third level and out reach institutions are having all kinds of cash thrown at them to go out into the communities where people were allowed drop out of school at 15/16 and to start re-educating them … would it not make sense sense to act first instead of reacting later?