Fintan O'Toole v Eoghan Harris debate: another thread ruined

Eoghan Harris is one of the biggest cunts this country has produced in the last half-century.

He got into hard-core socialsm and joined the Stickes. He made his living writing articles in support of the INLA. He wrote an article in support of the murder of a few innocent cleaning ladies who the INLA killed where he basically dismissed their lives as collateral damage. He says that while this was going on he had turned against the nationalist struggle completely and didn’t believe what he was writing but needed to pay the bills. I dont murder people for money myself.

Then he became an anti-nationalist, inspired to a large part by major oedipal issues with his father, who sounds quite nice. He’s an anti northern-nationalist racist who will happily describe himself as friends with Gusty Spence while vilifying John Hume amongst others.

Then he launched an undercover stickie takeover of RTE which actually went quite well but not far enough as far as he is still concerned. He wanted more control of news editorial policy, so that any time a northern nationalist came on the news the reporter would start attacking them.

The stickies tactics were notorious, destroyed records, blackmail etc. Most of the top tier of the Sindo were involved and most of them were related to each other. Harris’s aging Trump-supporting sister has more chance of making it there than a bright young journalist. They were also basically shamelessly corrupt - they changed support to Bertie Ahern whenever Harris was promised a seat in the Seanad and turned against John Bruton whenever he refused to do a business deal with Sir Tony.

But anyway, to get to your point, yeah, there could have been any sorts of skulduggery going on to leverage power inside the Indo. Certainly it looks like they’ve been trying to get rid of him for some time.

*possibly all of the above is wrong but it’s still enough for me to hate him forever.


No, it is all correct – and admirable.

I once had a night on the beer with Harris. As he admitted himself, after midnight, I made mince meat of him. He was caught between horror at being called out and vanity that I could quote so much of his ‘work’ to him.

Harris is a thug without muscles. The moustache is nearly always a giveaway.


I don’t agree. Anyone over the age of 16 when Omagh happened will still associate that stupid, pointless, barbaric atrocity with the IRA, even though it wasn’t them.
I reckon under the age of 30 may be more correct.

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Maybe they would be better off analysing the role of the Gardai in Omagh.

The gardai didn’t plant the bomb

No they sat on information in knowledge that there was a major bomb threat going ahead and had full information on when it was happening and the car being used.

If Harris is gone who protects the Unionists now?


So, let’s be clear. Are you saying openly on a public forum, that members of the gardai intentionally allowed the Omagh bombing to proceed as planned and hence are guilty of the indiscriminate slaughter of scores of innocent men women and children?

I don’t know whether it was intentional or not.

I am saying that they were certainly responsible to a degree for the lives lost. How anyone can say otherwise is beyond me?

He looks like he could do with another couple

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That’s quite the backtrack from this.

It’s not a backtrack. It’s an absolute fact they sat on the information. Why are you disputing that?

Yeah, with years of hindsight, it seems much likely more the British themselves were responsible for this attack.

His dept covers a lot of things

One of the biggest things for me is the deluded sense of entitlement from Harris that he should be listened to, that he’s got some right to be on rte. He made no sense at all in why he set up the 'site’s either.


I think that is easily explainable by saying Harris is an absolute loon. How he has been given a platform over the years to express those lunatic views is probably more pressing. Anyhow that is the end of him in that regard.


What’s the connection between harris and that rde character? Are they just fellow scumbags or does it run a little deeper…?

Surely there’s a market there for a “Sunday Gammon” newspaper? All your favourite loons in one place. Myers, Waters, Hook, Harris, Gemtrails, QEwan, the Iona set, the Fat Emperor, that stockbroker chap who thinks Covid is a hoax?


@Tank is tuned in here. The Sindo only acted once the threat of legal action presented itself. Who’s to say they didn’t know about Harris duplicitousness all the while, good old Eoghan socking it to those shinners on the twitter. They tried to get out in front by sacking Harris, they were caught out be a real journalist in Larkin here, not something they’d be accustomed to dealing with in fairness

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