Fintan O'Toole v Eoghan Harris debate: another thread ruined

I’d just like to refer this to Sid’s view.

You think it’s fair enough for the Indo to bash SF but don’t think it’s fair the Daily Mail do the same with Corbyn’s Labour.

Double standard.

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Don’t go all Ewan, mate.

Ah yes, the disingenuous side to you.

Let us remember you’re the guy defending a right wing, sectarian journalist here and his platform to spread his bile. You should stop projecting.

If anything there’s so much obfuscation in it he would be better off not commenting. He makes a poor attempt to portray himself as reasonable and sensible but the lack of substance suggests he’s hiding.


Em, yeah, whatever.

Nuff said.

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The cheek of me having a different opinion.

It’s your double standards.

You defend Indo giving Eoghan Harris and various other journalists a platform to relentlessly bash SF and decry the Daily Mail and other British press outlets for what they did with Corbyn’s Labour.

Rank hypocrisy but it’s embarrassing for you to address.

OK Ewan.

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There you go again.

You are defending Eoghan Harris right to bash political opponents. Wonder what your fellow Trump bashers would make of how hollow and for sale your morals are.

It you had any conviction in your views, you would not hold such hypocritical views. The hallmarks of a hollow virtue signaller who is actually everything he claims to be against.

Ironically you’re coming across exactly like Eoghan Harris here. It’s bizarre.

You’re the guy defending Eoghan Harris and his right to publish his toxic material.

The same guy who decries the British media and their campaign against Corbyn’s Labour.

The same guy who went apeshit over US politics and Trump’s tactics.

Yet here you defending the same in your country and you’re embarrassed and ashamed to address. Just shows how hollow you and your views are.

You just rewrote your previous posts there. Bit like Eoghan Harris did with his columns. Weird.

You won’t address your obvious double standards in defending the Indo giving Eoghan Harris and other journalists a platform to bash a political party yet decry Fox News and the Daily Mail.

Poor Sid thinks he is above his own contradictions, shocking arrogance.

Have a lie down, mate.

Can’t even defend yourself.

For shame.

I see no reason to engage seriously with somebody who has lost the plot. That’s as kind as I can be.

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That was delightful :clap:

That’s very Eoghan Harris of you. You think your contradictions should not be allowed challenged, a shocking arrogance and shows how weak a debater you are.

You were given an opportunity to explain your very obvious double standards on defending the Indo giving a platfrom to Harris, O’Hanlon and Dudley Edwards among others throughout the years to pedal their politics while decrying Fox News and the Daily Mail for their biases.

When that contention was put to you.

It’s embarrassing for you. I get that quite clearly, a guy who likes to virtue signal to be shown to be so hollow and full of shit but I think your cowardice and dismissing it shows the same sort of deluded arrogance Eoghan Harris had.

You have a sense of entitlement to hold double standards and how dare any poster on here or anywhere else confront you on your contradictions.

It certainly doesn’t take much to unlock your authoritarian instincts, does it. One only has to mildly disagree with you on anything.

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