Fintan O'Toole v Eoghan Harris debate: another thread ruined

Hopefully he’ll get a good few people to donate to him as a result of his writing here.

What we can clearly see from this is that @cheasty and @glasagusban are of the same ilk.

Cynical and callous leeches, who like to latch onto whatever cause or plight they see to show us all how morally superior they are to everyone else. The problem for them is the sense of entitlement and ego they both possess. While they preach down to others about their action and views, they don’t follow their own and are routinely exposed on here as undermining whatever position they took when it comes to their own interest.

Imagine going from calling for people in Tusla to resign because they jumped the queue for the vaccine when the same chap outed himself as a vaccine thief a week or two later and has tried to laugh it off.


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Ah yes.

More Donald Trump type infantile tactics because you have had your hypocrisy laid out for the forum.

Anyone hear Brendan O Connor this morning? A masterclass in Distancing himself from Harris before stifling anything in the way of actual debate or discussion about Harris before moving swiftly on…

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His FIL is a close friend of Harris I believe. Both former stickies.

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This seems to be a trend alright. There’s intolerance on every side, virtue signalling, distortion and debate is being stifled. Most sensible people don’t bother taking a strong public opinion on anything.


McKenna was never “an established journo” He was and is a wannabe

Journalism is an absolutely toxic industry,

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protect wes anderson GIF by Fox Searchlight


He was interrupting every sentence to tell us that Harris denied various parts of the allegations. “It should be stated that Eoghan Harris has said his tweets were not misogynistic.” How is that adding to the “debate” at all? Woeful segment.


The worst thing Harris could be accused of is being a rogue.

MacKenna was a regular sportswriter for the Sunday Tribune for years if I remember rightly. He had certainly established a career for himself. His obsession with publicly declaring his hatred for rugby was the first thing that was a warning sign with him. That sort of stuff is grand on a forum, but once you start running with it seriously as your defining USP, as a sports journalist you’re sort of marking your own cards as a crank and an oddball to be avoided.


Tom humphries did it the whole time and he turned out grand


The term “virtue signalling” implies that somebody doesn’t really have strong opinions and is just voicing socially acceptable ones for show. I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Most socially acceptable opinions are socially acceptable for good reasons.

Some things are rightly not tolerated.

It’s no harm to have strong opinions on plenty of things but at the end of the day everybody should be aware that all of us ultimately know jack shit about the vast majority of things.

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Humphries churned out the very odd column about disliking rugby. Though I’m sure he had at least one column where he extolled his liking for Welsh rugby. Anyway he didn’t make his dislike for rugby the central facet of his public persona - which Ewan did - and he could also write well - which Ewan couldn’t, not on any sort of regular basis, anyway. Humphries decided to make something else the central facet of his public persona, and we know how that worked out.


Tom’s usp was his love for camogie. Chicks with sticks he called it.


That turned out well…

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I didnt care for Marian much but fuck me I’d have her back dead rather than listen to O’Connor. He’s a total wanker and totally ruined what was annoying weekend radio but still listenable.


It was more his USB than his usp that finished Tom in the end