First game is at 7 on Wednesday in St Paul’s.
Tinnion bring your game head. Everyone else you need to bring runners, socks, shinpads, shorts. I will bring a set of jerseys.
Can anyone not be there?
First game is at 7 on Wednesday in St Paul’s.
Tinnion bring your game head. Everyone else you need to bring runners, socks, shinpads, shorts. I will bring a set of jerseys.
Can anyone not be there?
What colour are the jerseys?
Just want to ensure I have appropriate matching socks and shorts. What colour do you suggest, rocko?
The jerseys are gold with black trim. They feature a Martello Tower in the crest.
I’d advise black shorts and socks.
See comment on rules thread re shinpads…
I have white shorts, white socks and white runners (recently bought today and look abhorrent)
White’s fine Farmer, black was merely a recommendation. Shin pads are an issue though.
Farmer’s shinpad are only as high as his ankles. Is this an issue?