Football Violence

Absolute fucking clowns.

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Trying to be like their cousins across the pond

Good to see the lads carefully documenting their own crimes and assembling the evidence for a successful prosecution.

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Looked like a scene from deliverance.
Fair play to the stewards.

My man in the grey shirt n shorts is a fucking beast

That cunt in the t-shirt and shorts absolutely cleaned house. An animal.


baseball bleeding GIF by South Park


Let’s just be thankful nobody took out their gun and shot a few people.

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Be some man to load cattle at the mart

When the camera panned up to the building I expected a sniper.



Mad cunts :joy:

:face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

Happily the victim of that tackle, Ewald Lienen of Arminia Bielefeld, was only out of football for 17 days afterwards and played for another 11 years in the Bundesliga after that, retiring at 38 years of age in 1992, before going on to have a much travelled career in management. He’s still going strong at 70 years of age now.

Speaking of which, they had horses and barriers out at the women’s Manchester derby this morning. Surely a sign of progress if fans are getting tooled up for this.

It was only handbags …

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