Footix of the Day

Who is this eejit?

its @tazdedub

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ah looks its the cowardly cunt come crawling out from under his rock. pity the cowardly cunt wouldn’t stay under it.


By god, back with a bang


What’s a footix anyway?
And how is it different from a hurlix

What would a Hurlix be? Doesn’t follow club hurling but attends the big inter-county matches?

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Lads from Carlow that follow Kilkenny?



Pity he wouldnt watch harps sometimes instead of coming out with this

Sometimes the tap ins are more satisfying

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I attend 54% of Douglas games :person_shrugging:t2:

Offaly have serious Stockholm Syndrome when it comes to KK too.

Lads from the back end of Kerry who follow Clare👀

Will there be Footix of the Season awards? That contribution from @croppy_boy about Bruno quarterbacking from deep will take some beating.


Serious delibertations are needed between myself and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy. It would be a shame to see the Scouse Footix finish the season trophy less

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Should we have a poll or a vote on it? Maybe yourself and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy shortlist the Top 10 Footix of the Season contributions and put it out to a vote then. A bit like the Match of the Day Goal of the Month.

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Not a bad idea but such a poll woukd surely be open to sabotage by the North West England footix contingent

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VAR to the rescue again for Spurs