Formula One

Tbh i really disagree but we havent seen a team build around him either. I do find it hard to see a team do it now. Would Alpine take him back and do it? AM have alonso, RBR, Mercedes and ferarri already have there main men for the next 5 years. Saubar (Alfa) maybe only if andretti buy them out. Haas highly unlikey unless bought out and way behind to make up ground before 2026. If he stayed at Renault Alpine may have based 2022 around him but thats an unknown. The most likey scenario is he goes to indy car next year and andretti ends up on the grid somehow to build around him but you still are waiting a few years.

Other than that maybe Audi start buying up sauber and start building towards a works team in 2026

His age profile means no team will build their franchise around him now. Doesn’t mean he’s very quick.

Aston Martin building the team around Alonso is a joke. They’re praying that Lance will compete with him is all.

A move back to Alpine would make sense but they’re caught between two rocks then again with Ocon at team who while not reliable in Qualifying is definitely a good race day driver under full loads of fuel. Being French he will get decent packages

Maybe he goes to Indycar.

It’s real pity he ran into Max when he did after living with Seb

Hes quick but is he top 5 quickest on the grid? Max, CLC, 2 merc drivers and Alonso (even at his age) would be quicker. Norris has the car built around him so hard to say is he quicker on more even terms.

His age is definitely against him. Alonso wont stay at AM for more than a year. The auld lad stroll is a bit of a header, the young fella is a decent driver but no where near the top. I can see them selling up and the team rebranded etc.

Alpine will focus on Ocon who is a decent driver and with a better car again will push up, french driver at french team is very important to them.

Max is the golden child for RBR, they were in resl trouble after seb left. For all the talk of the academy they sre the only 2 who delivered. Sainz doing well elsewhere, Ric has become a journeyman. I think he would do really well in indy car as its a spec series and Ric is a really good driver. Grojan has done fairly well over there near the top end and Ric is a much better driver


In equal equipment that’s my top 5 on grid.

Alonso isn’t even a serious consideration, he’s a blocker at this stage.

Audi confirmed for 2026

Alonso goes full ricky bobby

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Mercedes Team as bad as Ferrari on strategy

Max is too good as it is without giving him such advantages on strategy like that.

Hamilton royally fucked over here again

The gobshites on sky saying they think Lewis will hold him off after the safety car and he overtakes him after about 10 seconds :joy:


Russell nearly went into the back of Lewis there

On mediums. :man_facepalming:t2:

Max still wins on Softs but at least put Russell in front of him so Hamilton get heat up his mediums

The Red Bull is as good now against the pack as Mercedes was for years.

Ferrari early season erection form wise well & truly a lump of flap now

It is in its fuck.

Ah it is.

Max & that car are currently unbeatable. The car is improving with every race

Mercedes was 2 seconds a lap faster in 2014 and 2016 most of the time. It was over a second faster in 2015/2019/2020.

Red bull is only a few tenths faster. Max isn’t making any errors let alone mistakes. He is incredible, Schumacher esk

Ah yeah, my point probably more akin to Max & Lewis in best cars so far ahead.

Don’t know if Leclerc is as good as the early season promise showed either. Doesn’t seem capable of the error free drives

He is definitely quick but doesn’t have the consistency. In a parallel universe he is leading the championship right now and I think that has to be affecting him. Knowing that the team will fuck up or he might drop the car into the wall like in France. The red car isn’t as fast since the TD over the summer break either

They made a fuck of Sainz race again today.

How the top brass are sitting back watching it all unfold is beyond me

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Singapore GP at 13:00. Wet race alert and delay to the start

A bit wet alright