Formula One

This livery is fucking gorgeous. Best so far. Can ferrari top that?

It’s still a Fiat with a different badge

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I say they are slowly moving towards how the audi will look

If you’re not first you’re last

Fucked as a spectacle yet again now with this Red Bull / Verstappen procession

It was a Mercedes procession for nearly a decade and you didn’t say a peep. More often than not you have one dominant team and driver in F1

Wasn’t watching the Red Bull :arrow_right: Mercedes processions.

It became compelling viewing once Max took on Lewis & even Ferrari giving Red Bull a run for a season was entertaining.

New rules are supposed to have made it closer & better racing but the DRS effect currently really only benefits the stronger teams.

Said like a true Hamilton fanboy. Outside of RBs dominance its very close across the field.

The rules real effects wont be felt until next year the year after with the wind tunnel handicap system reslly making it fair. You can see glimpses of it with Williams, car isnt as bad plus Albion is doing a great job in it

Fuck no, although he was screwed in Max’s maiden win.

DRS still being active if you pass a car is a bonkers rule.

Ah you could pick out the British GP that year and say Hamilton didnt get a just penalty either.

DRS yes I’d agree on that, the intention was to phase it out. Maybe cut the detection to 0.5s next year and try reduce it. Only issue i see is the cara are far too big to pass in tight areas. They are fucking huge nowadays although cannot be as small as before due to safety features.

Or have it as a push to pass system like indycar where you can only use it 5 times in a race when within a specified time of the car in front. Itll stop the DRS trains.

I also think the severity of penalties should be increased how often is a 5 second penalty meaningless at the end of a race if thats when applied? Unless there is a late safety car to bunch up the pack

Unreal lap

In the everyone but Max championship the Mercedes crash into each other at the forst corner. Both blaming each other. Will be tastey behind cloased doors

Las Vegas GP this week. I predict an absolute disaster. Street circuit and track temperatures will be incredibly low. Will be like driving on ice. Air temperatures in LV at 22:00 (race time) all this week are around 10 - 13 °C. Drivers will struggle to get the tires and breaks upto temperature, creating either a very slow race woth them tip toeing around or red flags every few minutes with cars in the wall

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Theres a fyre festival vibe off the LV GP weekend so far

F1 needs to just give up on the US. It’s never gonna work.

Watkins’ Glen, maybe Laguna Seca, or else nowhere.

The amount of shite, pointless circuits F1 has been to in America is remarkable.


COTA works. Street circuits and fleecing fans does not