Friday Fashion Thread aka The blind leading the blind

So go home and get changed if you’re already in shorts and in the pub from that evening/late afternoon/midday?

The only thing worse is when you know the splash is from the stream off the fella

Let’s just be clear here - I have no problem with fellas wearing shorts - knock yourselves out.

I was just pointing out that you’re painting a picture there with the BBQ snobbery, the ARL, the shorts in the pub, and it a’int pretty

Let’s have a barbie and a few schooners so I can pretend I’m still in 'stralia, even though it’s pissing rain and absolutely freezing. Let me get my shorts

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This is the Friday Fashion thread.

It’s an ideal you need to be aspiring to. .

If life gets in the way and you end up in shorts in a pub at 10pm then fashion is not your priority and that’s your prerogative but it’s also only fair you’ll be judged.

It’s like a Budweiser drinker on the craft beer thread. Or me on the music thread.

Life and TFK in particular is about judging, pecking orders and one up man ship. It’s what makes us who we are.

What else do we have when all is said and done other than to point out the only shorts in a pub at 10pm in Ireland that a man should have should be in a glass.


some poor random fella got dogs abuse for wearing sunglasses in the pub and he doesn’t even post here

Personally, I judge a fella not on his shorts, sports, his fucking cooking or footwear! I’d judge on interactions which is why Im unequivocal with certainty you’re a gimp

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I bet you tell loads of stories about 'stralia and the goys and all the bantz

There was a trend around Limerick a few years back at this stage of rugby jocks in the pub in shorts and flip flops. Some would have been in the Nancy Blakes clique…

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What’s wrong with shorts or BBQs? I don’t get it. You’re painting a picture of yourself as fierce insulate and insecure fella.

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look, cunt. I couldn’t give two fucks what you think. Is that secure enough for you?

If I want to wind the other cunt up, I’ll wind him up. Keep your fucking beak out of it

Ok pal I think you need to take a time out.

put me on mute there like a good chap if it so pleases you

it only took you about 2 days to actually reply to a post instead of indirectly replying and sniping. You’re a pure fucking sneak

I have no idea what you’re on about, I replied to a recent post, what are you on about? What’s with the name calling? You’ve gotten very aggressive very fast there and I’ve no idea why.

you think you can just call a fella insecure and insular and whistle away without a reply? Go away and fuck off for yourself you snakey cunt

How is it snakey to say something to you directly?

Sorry I touched a nerve. Jesus.

I’d never suffer your company to find out

I’m not looking for a date you freak :smiley:

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I’ve noted and let slide a few sneery comments recently. Put a stop to that and you won’t have to get your fanny twisted again

Well by God you didn’t let that one get past you anyway.

26 degrees this weekend and there’ll be some lads inside sitting at their island in jeans wolfing down a stew for fear of what people might think