Friday Fashion Thread aka The blind leading the blind

Ray Kennedy passed away.

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Happy Christmas and to all a good night


james franco GIF

Nice james


Why I wear capes (and other men should, too) - Subscribe to read | Financial Times via @FT

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Blundstone boots. Yay or nay…

Cc @Bandage

The caped crusader meets set in the city

Is this what the youth will be wearing this year? Sweet Jesus. Reminds me of some pisshead alickadoo atire they’d wear cutting the hedge in 1985.

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The 80s are back

See lots of girls now with the white socks over the leggings/bottoms like we used to do back then.

The only people I ever saw with slip on shoes and a tracksuit pants on were stroke victims.


Cc @cowpat

Fire up any questions here mate or any requests for style tips.

What sort of body shape are you ?

Well built , slim , well hung



I started the motorbike there on Monday night, a dirty wet night.
After I started it I got a right smell of burning paper. I thought it must be dirt on the exhaust getting hot. I threw my bag on and after another check to be sure nothing was on fire, I set off. Stopped at the main lights in Wilmslow, still a really strong smell of burning paper, and I then thought some poor buggers house must be on fire
Quickly checked the bike again to be sure and no sign of anything burning so off I went. Stopped at the lights again in didsbury and still smelled burning paper.
Figured it had to be dirt burning on the exhaust.
Got home, put the bike away and covered it, took off the helmet and boots and threw my bag on the floor at which point it became apparent the fcuking bag had been on fire the whole way home. It must have got lit because I had it draped on the handlebars whilst I put my helmet and gloves on and generally faffed about. It was still smouldering away when I got home despite it lashing down. Lucky my phone was ok but still reeks of burning.
Anyhow, I’d had the bag for about 15 years. It’s been round the world. I’m really pissed off, a brooks messanger bag. I’ve just replaced it with this, which is probably stupid, I should have got the canvas one again, but this looks lovely


In boil my piss news, despite ordering off , it transpires the bag and company are Italian and DHL won’t deliver unless I pay another £72 import duty. Cnuts.
I’m wondering whether to have it sent back.

You’ve been brexited

This is not the Brexit Flatty voted for!!!

Brooks England, an Italian company. Reminds me of this.

Get it delivered to Ireland and pick it up the next time you’re home

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Not sure I can do that now DHL have it?