Friday Fashion Thread aka The blind leading the blind

I’d a pair in the 80s. I’d fuck all else so I remember them very fondly.

Remember this stuff

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haha, I do indeed! Polish up my sizzlers! I had a second division Adidas Roms, there was a similar pair, can’t remember the model name. My auld lad had Roms, and I had a similar model, but not called “Roms” or was it Rom 90?

Sizzlers. Denim Co jeans. Some auld tshirt or jersey thrown on top or a Sepultura tshirt from Empire Music, maybe combined with some kind of an army store shirt or jacket then, and an under cut.

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Lovely shoes super comfortable


They were a beaut. I think Adidas stuff was all made in Germany then. The boots were all named after a German players - littbarski Beckenbaeur

In about 1984 a lad I ran against - from Harold’s Cross direction - had a pair of Adidas Micropacers. Silver with a sensor and clock in the shoe. I still remember the awe when I saw them.

They were re-released last few years but not sure they had the sensor.

I got an undercut in 1990. I had jet black hair. Number one back and sides. Long on top. Scalp looked blue. It was quite the look and a transition from the “flat top” I had grown out from 1988. As I walked home from the barber thinking I was the dogs bollocks an older lad shouted at me out the window of his aul lad’s car - “you look like you have fucking leukemia”


I had a pair of Manni Kaltz


Keep me in the loop here pal. I’m in a similar situation. I default to roaster way too easy so looking for some fresh ideas

This has never been equaled for style
I mentioned before how I was lucky enough to get a pair of these on sale as last size left when I was about 12, a thing of beauty



Half zip and chinos. Those M&S white runners.


Around early 90s, some of the rockers at school kind of had tight sides, longish back, like a small mullett and regular on top. I wanted to go for that look so decided I’d just leave my hair grow, no shape or style. It was awful. There were lads balancing pencils on the back of my hair on my curls, and one day the teacher suggested I get a haircut. I just wanted a little ponytail, but 0 thought and prep put into it.

My daughter told me wear a tracksuit so she’d look better.


I’m considering wearing chino shorts to one this Saturday as it’s a back garden job and supposed to be sweltering


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that is gold.

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I got wan in about 98. My mate said “ya look about 18 and dead scary”

Half zips don’t wear well. As soon as they lose their shape, which is soon, they look a bit tatty.

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All ya need.


I have a couple of weddings approaching- I have a few suits from pre Covid which are still in decent nick but I would like something new.

I have four or five sport coats/jackets which cycle through for the work wardrobe and would probably prefer to spend the bones of the price of a suit on a decent jacket/blazer that I will get more wear out of.

Where would be the best formal shop in Dublin for a nice jacket, pair of slacks? The likes of Louis Copeland or Alias Tom?
Thinking of going for open neck too for these summer weddings

Any other recommendations

I find Alias Tom horribly overpriced. Go into Louis and hand yourself over to the lads in Capel St - they know what they’re talking about. Anything I’ve bought there I still wear.
Paddy Sheary on Clarendon St worth a visit too


They’ll rob you in Louis Copeland and you’ll go to the wedding looking like Ronan Collins.