Fuck off back to bogball jim mcguiness

Everyone knows the more complicated a drill the better it is

Fucking cones. I knew it was their fault. Even when it wasnt, I knew it was cones. It would be very easy to replicate being down a couple of points and playing keep possession deep in the backs. What the fucks would cones know about passing the ball across the box and giving away penalties?


don’t talk to me. Footballs flying all over the place and lads running into each other.


Right lads we are going to play “Backs to the walls”
Line up 6 v 6 with a lad in goals, now reds you are two points down.
Ehhh, so it’s just backs and forwards
NO, didn’t you hear me, you are two points down. It’s a conditioned game.


The method acting approach to GAA coaching.

Ajax are only a cod

Never trust a Fcuker with an ‘unkept head of wild hair’.

Always chancers

Diarmuid Gavin, Dave Fanning, David Davin Power, that thick kernt who appears on every game show in the UK, Davies or something.

Something false about the kernts.

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Would your suspicions stretch to lads with rakish beards, the likes of Galvin or even Eddie Linehan. Careful here…

Just those neck beards and chinstraps

did Jim McGuiness break the level 3 rules?

No, GAA are exempt from all covid rules


that’s what it seems like

The Gahliban run the country mate.

That explains why its such a ball of shite.

No coaching an Elite Sports team you are allowed travel outside your county. There are specific guideline for elite sports teams. Plenty of League of Ireland teams have coaches/manager that travel for Training/Games. Sure didn’t the whole Irish and Wales Soccer teams fly into the country for a game. But that doesnt suit your anti gaa rants you knobhead

Got one @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy. Catch and release.


@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy is a Sigerson Cup legend

Another fishy for the Raven.

Sure he got married in a Dub’s jersey
