Fuck off back to bogball jim mcguiness


And quisling

That’s expensive shite

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Incredibly full of bluffers. Wat worse than GAA and thats saying something


there was a programme on recently about some chump from BOI that is manager of Kenya or somewhere like that

it was bizarre

All those scots are wild and need management . What became of the young lad Watt who scored against Barcelona a few years back ??

I’m assuming we won’t have to endure the insufferable cunt on Sky’s GGA coverage any more?


The ad for Sky GAA is funny where Jim is asked the difference between winning and losing . He responds “It’s how you look at the game” .

yes mate, hilarious :rollseyes:

He’ll make them game aware & teach them that winning & losing is all about how they look at the game.

It’s a perfect fit for him.

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Rodgers didn’t rate him and Celtic weren’t renewing his contract. Thank goodness this spoofer is away.


Is Rogers gone too?

Are you Iron Mike by any chance?

#dreadful banter

I don’t mean to be patronising (talking down to you) but we have two different user names, so no, I’m not @iron_mike .

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Leave @carryharry alone. He’s off looking for magic mushrooms. Looks like he found them too.

my sources have confirmed Rodgers sacked the cunt


Did Rogers see McGuiness’ record of having won a meaningful competition as a threat?


No coincidence that McGuinness’ presence coincided with such a successful period for Celtic. I can see them only winning the league by 25 points and getting beat in 1 game next season