Fuck off back to bogball jim mcguiness

I take it he got bored ?

Celtic’s invincible unbeaten first team season coincided with Rodgers demoting McGuinness to the development squad. Celtic were brutal when McGuinness was involved with the first team. I wouldn’t want McGuinness to stay at Celtic for all the tea in China.


A couple of bogmen on Today FM there were claiming this move will result in him ultimately managing Celtic and the ROI. No idea who they were but I presume they were GGA types, they were in awe of him going elsewhere for a job anyway.

His style is wearing though and unless he is at a club with loads of money he will move alot.

Teams who play at the intensities he likes usually are covering gaps and have a shelf life.

Would he be on much coin in China?

I do not know what he is on, but people within the S&C circle think all support staff in those types of clubs are in twice the norm, so i would suggest at least 200k.
Its probably more if that is indeed true because on a quick look EPL assistants get well over 100k, depending on club. Chelseas support staff are on big money

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The Ulster Senior Football Championship?


:joy: that’s a good one, the pretend RA will be up in arms, classic.

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€200k per annum?

I’d hope to be getting more than that if I was moving all the way to China


1.25m euro over two and a half years apparently

Ya i underestimated what some of the EPL guys were on. Good money anyway.

Not that its all about tgat

Sets himself up anyway. At least he has the balls to go for it.


He probably didn’t have other options what with Celtic releasing him for being a dreary, useless, serious-headed weirdo.

You think the Celtic fans would just thank him for his efforts and wish him luck with the future


Show a bit of class, like.


Outside of TFK all the Celtic fans I know are pure scum, it’s obviously rubbed off on the middle class heroes as well.


All the establishment posters trying to slap down us honest to goodness Celtic supporters. We are all Paul Murphy.

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It’s a huge part when you decide to uproot to the other side of the world

Especially at his age with a family.

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His efforts?

He was a disaster