Fuck off back to bogball jim mcguiness

I enjoyed this chap giving out about some kids getting to run around Croke Park for a few minutes (and then a whole gang of idiots all agreeing like this was a horrible learning experience for the poor children).

Hearse McGuinness has a better ring to it.

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Whereā€™s Mcguinness?

What an insufferable prick

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En route to the dole office in Dunfanaghy. He packed his bags with all available belongings and struck for the airport as soon as the axe fell.
Heā€™ll surface again in short, full of even more futuristic ideas and plans and will regale us with this scutter in his customary monosyllabic drone.
Not for free mind you. His 20 years in college and a Phd in spoofologyā€¦ Cunt.


Thatā€™s a decent post alright - I just meant whereā€™s Mcguinness has a good ring to it at the best of times

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Coming to a county near you shortly. Probably Mayo

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This is so wrong that I have to highlight it 2 years later. Thank god this lad doesnā€™t post here anymore.

Possibly but Iā€™d imagine Mayo will give Horan another year at least (only 1 survivor from the 51 team now) and they may rattle a few cages this year yet.
Iā€™d imagine Monaghan may be looking for a manager by super8 time. Theyā€™ve run their course and in need of a couple of injections. They might see Jimmy as the Messiahā€¦

Iā€™d be up for McGuinness managing Monaghan. Oā€™Rourke has been great but thereā€™s been times when heā€™s lacked a game plan and McGuinness always has that.

He looks a great fit for Kildare. They have been underperforming, some talent coming through, a bit of money and they love a messiah manager.

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Iā€™d say heā€™d love another crack with Donegal now.

Iā€™d say he thinks heā€™s bigger than that and wants to show it by going elsewhere. Or him and KEV put on some sort of coaching masterclass roadshow

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With fennel milk and cancer fighting pooches.


This lad needs the witness protection programme


Right soā€¦ Has anyone any inkling of what this bluffer is currently engaged in?
Just I bumped into a lad yesterday who holds him in the same kind of regard as myself.

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Iā€™d say heā€™s waiting for Declan Bonner to fuck off.

@padjo said he would be managing Real Madrid by the end of 2020


The way this year is going so far mate, I wouldnā€™t rule it out yet


Would he go back do you think? Iā€™d be fascinated to see him manage another underperforming team with potential such as Cork.