Funeral etiquette

Still seems to happen out my way. Family would fill it in, and a few neighbours etc. would take over to make sure itā€™s done right. The direct family would be more ceremonial from what I recall from grandparents. Like each of the grandsons (only four of us) would do a small bit and pass it on to our fathers, etc. Now, my last family funeral was a good 15 years ago.

Was at a friendā€™s fatherā€™s funeral a couple of months ago and one of our pals filled in a fair amount.


Iā€™ve dug em, and closed em in. A lot of Parishes not allowing it now for the usual H&S, but on the most recent occasion it wasnā€™t up for debate who was doing it for the man in question.

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No graveyard in Monard. Solohead I presume.

Iā€™m sure youā€™re right, Monard was what we always said. Iā€™d have to look it up.

Iā€™ve done it a few times, but like you said itā€™s being stopped now.

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Wheel be spinning in his grave

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