Funeral etiquette

If you’re family definitely.If not just wear something smart.

Nothing worse than seeing some gimp show up to a funeral in shorts.

A fella brought up the gifts at my aunt’s funeral in a pair of cut off jean shorts, a tee shirt and some kind of man bag across him :see_no_evil:


Was he her dealer?


No. He was nephew of her husband’s. In fairness to the lad he came straight off a train from Dublin on a warm day and was a young enough fella, but jaysus…

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And sandals?

What passes for fashionable nowadays thou :man_facepalming:

I reckon the bereaved couldn’t give a solid fuck.

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I wore a suit, and was glad of it tbh.


I hope you didn’t go on the motor bike.

We ‘buried’ the brother in law lately. Cancer. He sold his Harley when he got the news. The guy who bought it turned up in leathers on the bike to the cremation. He wasn’t sure it would go down well. But it set a light hearted mood that was enjoyed by all the family. Especially the gran kids.


The Cork funeral home etiquette still catches me on the hop, but it seems a more social one than the in-and-out vibe at home. A few bits of music, a poem from a Buddhist type and a rendition of YNWA. A nice way to say goodbye to a pal.


I was at a funeral in Mayo last week.

They are big into their funeral homes for ‘formal’ sympathising and then back to the house with the remains.

No sympathising then at the funeral which caught us on the hop but we caught up with the relevant people outside.

In Leitrim it’s all in the house (the previously common removal to the church to stay there overnight seems to have vanished). That puts pressure then on the funeral for the ‘formal’ sympathising.

A new local priest changed the rules around eulogies and decreed they had to be done before mass started.

Family for a recent funeral were late getting organised on the morning of the funeral and missed their slot pre-mass and no way would he let them do it at the usual slot post communion.

I heard someone lately, who I would consider holy to a fanatical degree, call him Rasputin

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Bollox. That’s all you can say.

We have a similar priest in a neighbouring parish. Why do they have to be so strict?

This fella has everyone rubbed the wrong way and sure all it does is turn off the few they have left.