Funny Videos Thread

She was an clown for parking there but the stupid cunt taking the video was worse for blocking her in after she started to move.

Then he blatantly takes the piss out of someone that seems to have learning disabilities and shares it online.

A prize Galway hero.


Haha the cunt doing the video is a well known gobshite in Tuam​:rofl::rofl:

Not me tho I’m afraid​:see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

Hello Chrìstopher

Peak Tuam…

Infairness everyone uses that space as a parking space…

Your man is some cunt…

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Gorillas don’t like the rain

The faces :smiley:




In here will do — this is bizarre

Fucking Ruskies are crazy :neutral_face:
Can you upload the WhatsApp of the traveler running with the horse @Copper_pipe

I didn’t get that one…

You’d say yes to any thing moments after believing you were about to get your head blown off.

Did you get the CCTV of the lad flying out of the GO Kart in the Karting place?

I didnt pal

I saw an american version of the same gimmick a few weeks ago with a black couple. The cops had guns pulled on him and she stood between him and the cops crying and pleading with them not to shoot. Its an incredibly cruel thing to do but shur the whole point is for it to go viral. A few of the more woke posters on here might even call it an expression of toxic masculinity to gaslight the women like that. They are probably right too.

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It’s refreshing that the misogyny crew empathise with women being held at gunpoint until they accept a proposal.


