Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Thatā€™s decent also


Iā€™ve always wondered about the colour of elephants breathā€¦


Thatā€™s colortend ( elephants breath) washable/ scrubbable- Iā€™d strongly recommend same for families with smallies

What the fuck is going on here at all


Donā€™t get too close

And never did anything like it when I was boozing?

Cheers buddy

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Considering mine happened in Nov / Dec put it up to show what can happen even to a non boozer if rushing stupidly( and itā€™ll probably happen again):+1: ps waiting for a like

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Painting is good but the electrical work is shabby. Screw back up that fitting.

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I was having coffee out yesterday and got an awful fit of the sneezes.

Jazes I got some fierce dirty looksā€¦

Always leave that down until last finish, wait for the " you missed a bit" always have the" FFS Iā€™m not finished yet girl,look at the fitting"

Does that apply after youā€™ve painted a hall, stairs and landing or just after having sex?


Canā€™t comment on the leg over,that stopped with the Beamish ,long time ago

looks like noone in the MS society has read a history book

Would they just not tie it in with the walks on the glorious 12h altogether


Olly right on point ,all about me me me heā€™ll piggy back this for the next 6 months until he decides to bring out a tribute album for caroline

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Accepting a promotion with no pay rise.

Whyā€™d you do that?