Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Bit of rain and an hour with a heavy roller.

Would need to be reseesed and sanded as well I’d say.

Ah I know if it’s to be made pristine again.
Fucking apes

It’s widely accepted that Leary was a hack.

Straight to the point :ok_hand:

By hacks

Did I just hear Steve Bruce say “everybody’s making a fist of it down below”?

I must watch rescue me again

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I just got WhatsApped this by a lass I train with sometimes (not Claire)

“I randomly got sent a video of a guy rubbing his wang in the shower yesterday. We went on one date over a year ago. I replied saying I don’t think this was meant for me. He said it was. :woman_shrugging:

That’s obviously an invitation for you to send her one too

She should get on to police straight away.


I weightlift with her. She is lovely, but I’ll leave her decide what to do. I will forward that recommendation.
She seems to have found it amusing and bemusing in equal measure.

Any lad that does that is not wired right.

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Absolutely. That guy could be about to step things up with her. She may not have thought about him in 12 months but he obviously has.

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There’s a whole world of lads in the north of England not wired right. I just told her to threaten him with the police. She laughed.

Create a burner twitter account and throw it online, tagged to his LinkedIn too. It would be the last video he ever sends

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Why was he rubbing a 1986 Oxford utd jersey?


Well, here’s her response 🤷

:joy: Guys just seem to love showing their wangs off. They’re not really that interesting once you’ve seen a few.”

Don’t be so sure. Some fellas are very proud of their mickeys, especially the crazy ones.

Perhaps you might encourage her to join this noble forum - safe in the knowledge that all personal matters such as this are thrashed out in a mature fashion on the relevant, designated thread.