Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Nadia is looking great there, nice to see a woman work that bit extra to improve herself.

Women should always be encouraged to mind their weight.

What I find really worrying is women who want to build a 6 pack or massive biceps or shoulders. I really canā€™t understand how some men are attracted to these manly women. Women should be svelte and pretty.

Women should be encouraged to be whatever they want and not have some creepy men on the internet tell them what way they should look. Thatā€™s where the problems start.


Humanity should be encouraged to watch their weight. We are an obese society and its not something that should be encouraged. By anyone.


She most certainly wasnā€™t overweight in that top photo

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I didnt call her overweight chief.


They should mind their weight. If they want to be muscular and manly looking then thatā€™s their call but I think it looks disgusting.

Healthy and svelte are two very different things mate

If people want to look their best thereā€™s no harm in it, particularly if thatā€™s their job.

Huh mate? I mentioned obesity. Which our country has a massive issue with. Feel free to stick your head in the trough and ignore it if you will.

Disgusting fat shaming on show here from @myboyblue

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I havent shamed anyone. The Irish people are shaming themselves and putting massive pressure on our health services and our country.

Sort it out.

Seven of the most recent posts in a row on seven different threads at 8pm on a Friday night. There should be a cap on number of posts per day or a minimum number of sentences per posts.


Iā€™m sure every one of them was meaningful and memorable


I smell a challenge


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Thanks mate :heart_eyes:

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He has to go

You must be very insecure in your masculinity if youā€™re intimidated by a fit woman like that.