Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 2)

What qualifications do football advisers need?

Great to see Brian back involved. He might be evolving into the Noel O Reilly role.

More than a few underage tournament wins and finishing fourth in a qualifier group anyway.

Managing Ireland. Sure he did the job. And O Shea played under a heap of managers and asked him to advise so he must rate him.


Part of their culture innit?

Cant wait to see the apologists for this one

The way dogs are treated in this country and that lack of control over ownership and breeding is just wrong.
This little chap jumped into the car this morning as Mrs. B and Middle Miss B exchanged seats after Miss B was dropped to work. Had spent 2 days knocking about the hotel before this. Cold and hungry, no collar. Taking him to be scanned for chip Monday.
So far no sign of an owner. Heā€™s a clever devil, very mannerly and lead trained. But looks like he was abandoned :confused:
Weā€™ve nicknamed him Harvey.
The German incumbent at home has given him a surprisingly great welcome. The 2 of them snoozing in front of the fire at the moment.


Fair play kid

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You probably donā€™t want to now but youā€™ll find a vet open in the morning to check if heā€™s chipped


I have a mate that has one for horses Iā€™m told will work so hope to get down there tomorrow.
Heā€™s made himself at home.


Did you get a new GSD?

Good pal of mine is a vet. He gets dogs dropped into him all the time that are stray and people want him to check the microchipā€¦he said :100: that a dog who has been in a family for a few months knows when he is being abandoned and not wanted anymore ā€¦think about thatā€¦sickening


Gorgeous fella btwā€¦

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Looks to me like you have a new dog. Fair play

I wish! Iā€™d love a pair of them. No see above.

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Thatā€™s my fear. Mrs B has taken to him. Weā€™ll get a home if not the owner :crossed_fingers:

Heā€™s only a small fellaā€¦ You wouldnā€™t even notice him about the place

Exactly and the German is happy with the company. Peace on the Mainland

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