Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 2)

And the world a basket case since.

Twas going the grandest before?

This lunatic suggesting there are more than 2 sexes :hushed:… another sex other than biological male or female exists apparently … The scientific world will be blown apart by this discovery.
She then goes on to talk about people being born in the wrong body - another major scientific discovery … humans exist inside their body independent of their physical self. Tho she didn’t disclose where in the body we hide out.

A fascinating insight into someone who sits in our upper parliament.



Marie Sherlock coaches the u11 hurlers in my club. She is sound and good craic.


The u11s should give her their biology book for a read.

Ara don’t be getting your knickers in a twist about this stuff. The trans folk have it tough enough. Abusing them serves no purpose. Live and let live.


I have zero issues with trans people. None.

However, being coerced through law to believe you can be born in the wrong body or that more than 2 sexes exist i do take umbrage with.

Most trans people want to be left alone to live their life and ive no issue with how they do it.

This wokey trans ideology being pushed by psychopaths and harmless politicians that want to be friends with everyone needs calling out.

Your bestie is a cunt.

@Kyle shows a very unhealthy obsession with trans children.

@Kyle punching down again

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Did you forget your chatgpt login?

It’s important to understand why it’s wrong to punch down on trans kids. Here are five reasons:

  1. Vulnerability: Trans kids are among the most vulnerable groups in society. They often face significant challenges, including social isolation, discrimination, and mental health issues. Punching down on them exacerbates these challenges and can lead to severe emotional and psychological harm


2. Human Rights: Every child, regardless of their gender identity, deserves to be treated with dignity and respect. Punching down on trans kids violates their basic human rights and undermines their right to a safe and supportive environment


3. Mental Health: Trans kids are at a higher risk of experiencing mental health issues such as depression and anxiety. Negative treatment and bullying can worsen these conditions, leading to long-term psychological damage


4. Social Responsibility: As a society, we have a responsibility to protect and support all children, including trans kids. Punching down on them goes against the principles of empathy, kindness, and social justice


5. Positive Development: Supporting trans kids in their journey helps them develop into confident and healthy adults. Punching down on them hinders their personal growth and can have lasting negative effects on their self-esteem and overall well-being



It’s crucial to foster an inclusive and supportive environment for all children, including those who are transgender. By doing so, we can help them thrive and reach their full potential.

No one here mentioned transkids other than twitter guy who supposedly has me on ignore

Hates blacks, hates women, hates children, hates trans children, there seems to be a pattern here, you’d hope Tusla are looking in after what happened in Drogheda.

This site perfectly summed up over the last few years… one poster points out the fallacy of the words of a politician ,then the screaming lunatics come in and twist it into a whole pile of something else. Sigh.


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Boys or girls?


An other.