GAA All Star awards - sponsored by Ferrero Rocher. The chocolate of champions

Spot on, as usual.

I met JMcC over the summer for the first time and he was visibly pleased when I mentioned EK as one of the most naturally gifted hurlers I had ever seen. Said he put a lot of work into quickening his striking – but was full of acknowledgement about his innate talent.

Gave same story about Tony Browne’s striking. I said to him TB, early in his career, used connect with the ball too early in his stroke.


I presume JG is a joke?

Tony Kelly is coming into the conversation. 28 in a week’s time, he needs another three or four serious seasons to be right there as one of the avatars.

Of course, we need to factor in how Ravy messed up TK’s early to mid twenties.

He hasn’t derided anybody else for having an opinion on the all stars has he? You pig headed orc

Startling level of humility on show.


Are boths sets of awards announced on the night or is one code being announced beforehand like previous years.

Hurling is announced before the show this year

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79 posts were split to a new topic: A waste of everyone’s time

Any credentials?

Thought not.

Another obsessive fuckwit.

Next time you go to a fancy dress party, think of below.



feel free to ban me, because I won’t stop calling the pig headed cunt out everytime he posts

You earned that medal pal.


Ok guys.

Full time has been blown.

I’ve moved a heap of posts to the dungeon.

Friendly warning to the main men on that high brow debate - I don’t really have the time to be pruning threads at the moment so we’ll have little breaks from tfk if needed as a reminder.

Apologies to anyone who had anything interesting to say in the last 24 hours on this thread but you likely got caught up in the agricultural cleansing.


Thank you.

Again, Jonny Glynn is a joke?

Yes, as far as I am concerned.

Who do you think will win YHOTY? Shane Barrett, Eoin Cody or Aidan McCarthy?

Is it EC by default?


Yes. I obviously hope so – but probably by default.

SB is potentially a wonderful forward – a better version of Conor Lehane.

Not sure the others did enough … Cody didn’t have the best semi final but he was probably the most consistent throughout the year.

To try and get this back on track

Team of the 2000 to 2009

Tommy Walsh-Curran-JJ
Ben O’Connor-McGrath-Larkin

Tough call on Larkin or Brennan in the forwards.

2010 to 2019

Paudie Maher-De Burca-JJ
TJ Reid-Canning-Harnedy
Richie Hogan-Callinan-Horgan

Last forward spot a tough one here. Went for Harnedy but could easily have put in the likes of Moran, Aussie Gleeson, Kelly, Bonner Maher, Conor Whelan etc.

Byrnes-De Burca-Hayes

Good selection. But TJ Reid might still be ahead of Tom Morrissey?