GAA All Star awards - sponsored by Ferrero Rocher. The chocolate of champions

I’d say your a confused sort

Happy enough with the All Stars which were awarded this evening, in fairness.

You’re not, clearly.

Dan’s hit the sauce again

Huh? I only made one post in the thread which agreed with the selection of GH as the HOTY

Go have a lie down Mr president

You’re fine. All good

I am.

@gilgamboa is in meltdown mode


It’s absolutely fascinating to watch this

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“You’re” = you are

Your = possession.

Even after a thousand times it’s still irritating. :man_shrugging:


The klaxon has sounded.

A fella agrees with Hego getting the HOTY and that isn’t enough for the Limerick lads… Is there more belly tickling needed?

It’s understandable, he’s in full seethe mode here.


None of them drink or fornicate, they’re the best all star winners ever.


:man_shrugging: Did I say something wrong??

They don’t know how good they have it, stockholm syndrome. They go to bed afraid the last few years was all a dream and they’ll wake up in October 1996.


Glug glug Gil

I know but where to post?
At least twas GAA ,so halfways there

Jeez tis mad. 9 all stars and the HOTY and fellas hopping up and down in outrage when someone agrees with the HOTY selection… Maybe wasn’t enough flowery language for the lads

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Poor @myboyblue is up to 123 posts on this thread now. Absolutely fascinating.



Oh dear,know what septic means in Cork? Doubt it


Who?? There used be a lad with that user name but he despised the all stars. Haven’t seen him around in a few years tho.