GAA All Star awards - sponsored by Ferrero Rocher. The chocolate of champions

OK mate, OK…we’ll really need to up our game if we’re going to do anything at Senior Inter County level.

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Ballyhea are junior standard but the likes of Carrigtwohill, Na Pairsaigh, Barrs, Newtown, Bishopstown, Erins Own are senior in name only. And that ignoring the scutter in Senior A .

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Well Erins Own beat sars last year who i would rate very highly so they cant be that bad.

But But But, how many star players do Erins Own have hah?

Golden generation. Limerick will be very strong for the next 5 years and then will decline as the 2017 All-Ireland U21’s start to reach late 20’s/early 30’s. Its cyclical unlike Dublin’s seemingly never ending football success.

Yeah you’re right, we’ve shown absolutely nothing at Minor level in the past few years at all…

Nada. Zilch. Nothing.

We’re done. It’ll be back to moral victories for us soon enough.

Ye won a Munster minor the past 2 seasons is it? In fairness ye lost an All-Ireland minor semi-final to a moderate Kilkenny team in 2019 and Galway were about 10 points better than any other minor team in the country judging by the hidings they dished out.
The 2020 Limerick minors do appear very strong it must be noted.

Limerick will be decent for many years to come I’m sure but hurling will remain very competitive and ye’ll almost certainly revert back to the pack after the Cian Lynch’s, Sean Finn’s and Aaron Gillane’s start to edge past 30. We are entering peak Limerick over the next couple of years!

Only 2/3 clubs providing players to underage and senior shur. Fucked…

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I think we’ve played in pretty much every Munster Minor Final since 2013, bar 1 or 2 maybe, which is the only aim the Minors are given each year (make the Munster Final). As for going on to win All Irelands at Minor…not important at all. Didn’t do the current crop any harm.

I’m afraid we’re not going to be going away any time soon, much as the rest of the country wishes it so. Resistance is futile.

7 out of the last 8 Munster Minor Finals since 2013, just to clarify there @Aertel220

We’re bolloxed alright.

I don’t mind Limerick winning at all and its far more palatable for the neutral than when Kilkenny were sweeping all before them. I just don’t think your narrative of a Dublin like dominance is realistic. Limerick will be consistent contenders I’m sure but I can’t imagine you winning 10 Munster’s in a row or 6 All-Ireland titles in a row.

Ah no, not 10 Munsters in a row, Jesus. Hurling is far more competitive so impossible to compare linearly. Maybe 6 or 7.

All Irelands… not 6 in a row but we’ll settle for 3 in a row, which would be 4 in 5 years.

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3 would be unbelievable from this crop… anything beyond that would be Dreamland for us.

Those Mickey Mouse junior clubs are providing fuck all.

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Imagine ten year ago being told there’d be a group of limerick players with three senior inter county all Ireland’s.

I simply wouldn’t have been able to fathom it.