GAA Managerial Merrygoround Thread

Ah now, too early for the bantz

The woolly hat thing was getting very tiresome in fairness.

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Ah that’s edam shame.


Apparently he had a pain in his Swiss managing them.


Sorry to hear that mate, he was a saint for ye. He needs to open a new chapter in his life now. He tried his heart out for hurling in Laois but he can only bring the horse to the water. There was only so much he could do. He was let down on so many fronts. A Laois hero, an Irish hurling man to his marrow. What now for Laois hurling?

Davy Fitz I’m told.

The contrast between the two is stark. One an ego maniac juvenile the other a self assured gent. Maybe Clare will give Cheddar the job.

Laois Hurling starts to die now.

Cheddar done all he could, but he was on his own. He’s right to go, staying on would have destroyed him.

Strong words there blue. Time will tell.

Nah, it’s how I thought it is. We’re done.

Bar a brief period last year were ye ever not done ?

The year before. And we were competitive for 3 years of cheddars reign, last year was the clusterfuck. We may not have been winning but we were competitive at least save for the odd trimming. Last year was a clusterfuck due to retirements.

Listen, we know our place, but cheddar tried to put plans in place and was met with resistance internally and nationally. My point is, if he couldn’t wrangle everyone in the one direction, no one is going to do it.

I’ve made my peace with it. GAA at national level is for the elite few counties, the more you live, the more you realise it’ll always be thus. ''Tis grand.

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Sorry for your troubles blue.

No need pal, I’ve achieved a level of clarity most people on here could only dream of. This is unreal. I’ve cast off the shackles of hope and wishing. I’m a new man.


What a reply. Great way to be mate. When did you go to confession?

6am mass. I praised the Lord for Cheddar and laid bare my soul.

I’m ating the fry now.


Your last year = my this year i.e. 2016

Peter Creedon is new Laois football manager

You’re like a clairvoyant.

Good appointment