Gaa split season,killing Meath football since 2011

His club season finished in September last year, Tyrone’s first game was in the McKenna cup in January. I’d say the style of football Conor is playing is a bigger burden than the split-season calendar.


Amazing hes burnt out with a 3 month off season.

Pity he wasn’t at electric picnic

He’s fuming Armagh won an all Ireland

And admitting he overtrained himself on his own when he shouldn’t have. He needs to check his whoop stats more carefully

Conor is hardly the poster boy for IC/life balance

Or in a grim grim Ulster affair, he really is


Proper GAA counties that don’t play hurling?

That comment is an insult to the great hurling people, the committed hurling people, the fanatical hurling people and the passionate hurling people in Tyrone and to the late, great Damian Casey who would have walked onto any hurling team in Ireland.

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These Split Season lunatics won’t be happy until they’ve turned Semple Stadium into a vegetable patch.

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I’d love for an excuse for Semple to shut for a while for a complete overhaul of facilities there

You never told us Cashel’s under 19 semi final was called off. Fradulent slip.

Odd decision to allow Limerick to play that game there if it was so bad

The September air this 17th of the month is incredible @peddlerscross.

Just like this day seven years ago.

Seven years. Fuck sake.

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The day we kissed the sky.

The day by which all other days are measured.

The day the split season lunatics looked at and said, ‘no, we can’t have nice things’.

I’m going to watch it back in all its glory later on.

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Irrelevant to this thread…

Very relevant imo.

Split season is related to running order of games over the year, the volume of games would be the same weather it’s in place or not.

To justify a split season they’ve had to multiply the number of games.

You can’t have Inter County teams having regular 3 or 4 week gaps between games or there’d be outcry to release players back to Clubs.

Lar Wall to Meath. He’ll have them purring