Galway - quadruple travails part 2

I highly doubt it. The appeal is greater to see a couple of games with a crowds of around 2k rather than standalones with 3 or 400 in attendance.

If any of ye know the fella that runs that poscast tell him to invest in a decent headset. His sound quality is very poor.


Fair play to the lad for doing it but the sound quality can be poor enough alright. His own voice in particular can be very hard to make out. No excuse for it these days. Easy to purchase and set up a decent audio set up for recording podcasts.

That latest podcast was great crack, really enjoyed it. Dervan and Brady going through some memories of playing minor under Hardiman. Brady gave a fair slating to Cashel in it :eyes:

The blackcoats!
There was a legend of a character around here fadĂł fadĂł, before my fathers time. He liked his pint and he loved his hurling and would always show up pitchside wherever the club was playing despite having no transport of his own and very few cars about. Anyhow, one great scĂ©al about him lives on when the lads were playing in the Duggan. Our hero hit the town early that Sunday and drank his fill before the 2pm closing. He made his way up to the Duggan where there was a game already in progress. As it happened one of the teams playing shared the same colours as our club. Not realising, he cursed his luck at being late, and then began berating lads his thought were ours on their lacklustre performance. To cap it for a finish a row took out on the pitch and our inebriated hero ploughed into the middle of the meleĂ© for the honour of club and parish. He made a couple of swings and kicks and turned to help one of ‘our lads’ up off the ground. When he didn’t recognise him he realised his error. There’s more to the story but that’s the gist of it :smiley:


Heard a snippet of a Galway hurling podcast from a WhatsApp group during the week. Are Cashel that you are referring to Castlegar? The analyst didnt hold back.

One for a dressing room wall.

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Cashel are Sarsfields

Are Bullaun not Sarsfields. My Galway club hurling ain’t great. Rely on TFK for most of my info. No man on the ground for me there.

Cashel are Castlegar
 and Brady is a Castlegar man too

So it was a fair statement to call out his own clubmen
 but that’s Galway for you


Edit: Cashel are castlegar.

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Not exactly. Brady is from outside Tuam and hurled with a club called Sylane who’d be a junior club but he joined Castlegar and played with them for 15 years when he was in his late teens I think.


Still though, some statement to come out with if he played for them for that length of time.

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Agree but Brady doesn’t give a fuck, mad cunt.

Did he win a minor or AI u21 while with Sylane and went to Cashel then. Think he had a run with the seniors under Cloonan?


I pulled me hammy marking Brady a few years back and he was laughing at me for a good 5 minutes before I was subbed. A quintessential club man.



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You’ll rarely meet two lads not from there who pronounce Sylane the same way.
I like the baddy in buck Rogers version myself.



Cashel are actually cashelgar if you’re from outside salthill knocknacarra

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What did Brady actually say? The cunt.