Galway - quadruple travails part 2

Another big day in B’sloe on the 28th I see in the comments

@Diabhal won’t be pleased. I’m delighted :sweat_smile:

I’ll end up shouting in vain for fucking Ballina Stephenites or some Rossie cunts at this stage

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I’ve a sneaky feeling it’s there for Corofin

I dunno. I think today was the county final and Corofin are a shadow of their peak. Moycullen will never blow teams away but today sounded like it was never in doubt.

I hear ya. MM are windy AF thou and as I said the feeling is sneaky.

Nice to see Mike Daly back. I’d heard from a panelist he’s had a rough few years and wasn’t looking likely to be coming back to even play a club match at one stage.


Great to see Patrick Kelly back too, albeit he looked fairly uncomfortable in the first half.

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Was looking at the Galway website there to keep track of how some relations are doing and noticed the intermediate relegation results. Kilererin look like they will be playing junior football next year, that’s some fall from grace for them. Joyce has 3 senior club medals doesn’t he? Carraroe and Kilkerrin/Clonberne involved as well, fair shake-up of things.

Was reading Ciaran Murphy of second captains and he noted the Population of most of those clubs in north Galway is a huge problem. Dunmore recently and Milltown continue to buck that trend.

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Small population, resting on laurels. You know how cyclical it goes. Look at portumna.

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The urban clubs getting their act together is making a difference as well all over the country - where they used to be half interested outfits most urban clubs now are starting to really push on and putting the squeeze on rural sides.

You have to be seen wearing the club top sure. Shows you belong to the right set. Club branded gear probably drive up membership as much as anything

Killererin competing for senior titles not that long ago on the back of the Joyce’s. An Cheathru Rua (traditionally the strongest Gaeltacht club in Galway) relegated from senior last year after 25+ years and immediately relegated again down to junior for next year.

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That is a plummet in fortunes not just a fall from grace

Three first half goals was too much to come back from

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The inexorable rise of the SUV driving gaelscoil urbanites. You’d not want to get an elbow in the ribs. It’d be sharp.

Correct. Once the purview of rural backwaters and shams Football is a middle class pursuit now, no surprise to see the likes of affluent up and coming towns like Moycullen prosper while the northeast of the county and the likes of Carraroe find themselves on the scrapheap

The demands are too much nowadays and An CeathrĂș Rua are a fine example. They’d walk intermediate if they weren’t so strict about pre-championship training (6-8 weeks before a serious match I heard). They’ve lost a few key men who can’t commit to the expectations of 10-20 hours a week of extra-curricular work. It’s all well and good for your youngsters in the UCG/Regional Tech but a lot harder for lads minding the kideens while the missus is working night shift in the hospital.

We lost a lot of the soul of the grab all association from the days of teams playing All-Ireland finals after only finishing up pinting the Wednesday prior. You’ll find plenty of robots happy to backwards handpass from big catchment areas like Salthill, Claregalway, Renmore, Tuam, Moycullen etc but they’d never have the natural talent of a bricklayer from Cuilleáin who likes his pint or 10 on the weekend.


Two big midfield blows for the football League campaign next year. Sam O’Neill, was had an excellent club campaign, was already out till March but Cillian McDaid joins him on the injury list till the end of Feb. McDaid misses out on a county final too which must be extra gutting.