Galway - quadruple travails part 2

Iā€™d say thatā€™s it. Iā€™m going mad

Iā€™ll make enquiries

Thanks a million. Greatly appreciated.

Just getting old, like us all.

I know but youā€™d usually remember this sort of thing :grimacing:

Burke says that Galway will spend ā‚¬2 million in 2024 on infrastructure improvements without taking out a loan. Projects include the new stand in Tuam Stadium and floodlights in Pearse Stadium.

Just over ā‚¬1m spent on senior football team in 2023. Slightly under a million on hurling team.

Breakdown 51% football, 49% hurling.

Answer a question from floor, Chairman Paul Bellew says Pearse Stadium floodlights ā€œmustā€ be in by January 2025. Awaiting Sports Capital Grant funding before Galway proceed with project. ā€œElection next year.ā€

Bellew also pours cold water on future concerts in Pearse Stadium. Never foresees situation where Galway would move games to facilitate a concert. Says without ownership of bar and concession, theyā€™re more hassle than theyā€™re worth.

Treasurer Mike Burke said the Pearse Stadium pitch took a full year to recover after the Ed Sheeran concert.

42 per cent increase in club gates income over the last five years. ā€œTells its own story,ā€ says Bellew.

Bellew points towards large scale investment in other sports, who he says only have fraction of players involved. Says itā€™s time Galway put their ā€œchests outā€ regarding the same. Also says heā€™s open to a municipal multi-sport facility and mentions former airport site at Carnmore.

Bellew expects Galwayā€™s inter-county spend (ā‚¬2.49m) to either stay the same or rise next year. Says itā€™s sustainable as long as itā€™s not at expense of anything else. 123 backroom members across inter-county squad. ā€œInvestment in players.ā€

Hits out at split season critics who ā€œconflate internal county championship structures with the split season.ā€ Says not feasible All-Ireland finals are pushed back due to volume of club games in places like Galway and Cork. ā€œThe split season is the best thing that ever happened.ā€


I like the cut of bellews jib tbh. Never met him, but he seems sensible. WTF is the craic with the catering facilities at pearse?

My own club representative let the parish down by wanting the All Ireland finals pushed back. Heā€™ll get some bollocking off me down at Slemonā€™s some evening.

42% increase in club gates income since they stopped taking cash at the stiles tells its own story


There were days in tuam when they had Tesco bags full of twenties.

Volunteering there moved people TO A BIGGER HOUSE


Burke Burke Burke

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Shots well and truly fired.

ā€œGive us our grants ye cuntsā€


Not quite so sure about the argument that they were somehow forced I to it by croke park.

Forced into the (early) sale is the inference

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Croke Park should give Galway their grants.

Not Leinster GAA.

Let it come out of the pots of the other provinces also, and the Dublin special needs pot.

It infers both buying and selling.
Iā€™d imagine they had to sell because croker wouldnā€™t bail.them out, but who knows.

Croke Park donā€™t make any county go off on a solo like this

I donā€™t recall saying they did :person_shrugging: