Galway - quadruple travails part 2

We’ll complete the weekend hat-trick tomorrow no doubt.

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I’ve never been more sure of anything


The score where Touhy got it short and tried to strike aimlessly while standing still and was hooked, summed it up. Had no idea what to do with it.

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We need to look for fighters first and hurling after that.

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Injuries and lads only coming back from injuries, awful form, shaneen looking fairly disinterested, PJ record against Mayo, our putrid form in Salthill.

All pointing one way I’m afraid.

Joe Mc beckons, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon.

@flattythehurdler you were tolt


Shefflin bringing back Glynn is beyond bizarre, non sensical really, Galway brought no energy or fight at all and if you’re lacking that you’re going nowhere.


The much maligned Shane O’Neill was slaughtered for much better performances than shefflin has produced.


O’Neill’s tenure was worse than Shefflin’s. Shefllin has nothing to work it.

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We’ll be many a year looking. Today was the start of our 2006-2011 fallow period sadly. We’ve plenty of time to cop the fuck on and develop lads to actually compete physically at u-20 and above.

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Getting lads physically ready should be relatively straight forward you’d think. We can’t even get that right. U20s are routinely horsed out of it. They have lads over the underage now who think playing twenty yard passes across the full back line is the way forward. The one thing we had, being able to produce good minor hurlers, was not broken but it’s what they think needed fixing.

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Ah would you stop. Galway produce plenty of hurlers. The right manager and they will be top 3.

It’ll have to be the Joe Show.

We produce lots of serviceable hurlers on their day. We can’t seem to produce a panel of reliable lads with mental strength.
I honestly don’t think we want it that much. It’s not a bad thing really, perhaps it’s healthy. The supporters want it more than the players who have lives outside.
I’d really be looking for a few right angry young men if I was manager. Slightly unhinged lads who’ll go down swinging.

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King Henry me bollix

PJ has done well with the panel he has. He’s one of our own. Congratulations PJ and players. Hon Galway :heart: :heart: Fuck Mayo :smiley:

I always backed Conor Gleeson on frees

:laughing::laughing::laughing: I believe ya

5 ALL Ire minors in 6 years. Consistently strong UCG sides. Shefflin has made a complete balls of this one. Some rebuilding job to do when he exits.