Galway - quadruple travails part 2

Cornelius a definite what are they gonna do with niland? Bring him out to the middle and create a glut of bodies which will help Dublin, or leave him in the corner to get isolated and get a point and worry them enough to create space

It’s to do with the moon I think

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If what I’m hearing is true theres a lot of issues in the camp, should have enough hurling to get past Sunday but not much past that. If even that. So the question is what progress have we made in 2024. Not any I can see. Due to finite resources most club teams are just perpetually fighting relegation, unless a good crop comes along every few decades. In that scenario it’s understandable that they keep going back to the old soldiers to grind out one or two wins to stay afloat. But the county team seems to have the same mentality, just do enough to maye win a qualifier. The county team is a representative team, with the safety net that there will always be weaker sides in leinster to get relegated. So why not go for it, put out an experimental team, see who survives. What’s the worst possible outcome, getting well beaten in croker. that happened last year anyway. So why not take a few years to see who can be molded into regulars. Instead we’ve wasted them bar getting Lee and maybe the Fahys involved. But you need a local manager committed to that. And our best local manager is against us this weekend.

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Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war**

** I’m off to pick up the huss and then Hughie’s for tea and a sangwidge before strolling in


PS it’s looking like the wind tunnel will be fully functional

Make sure ye soft East and South Galway cunts bring a capĂ­n with ye

Couldn’t a put it better myself.

Must be a big game when the Tommy Varden comes out of the closet.

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In the soft seats?

Fao @thegaillaimhs, if Henry moves on then who is in the front line to take over? They will hardly look outside the county again so soon after O’ Neill and Sheflin. I dont think Eamon O Shea would step up.

MD is the obvious candidate but his Dublin project is gathering momentum and he might not want the job of a rebuild from scratch.

The lad who managed Toms for a good bit was a selector with Henry so that rules him out. Kenneth Burke is with the minors now. The Healy/Canning combo hasn’t delivered yet.

Would there be much gra for Jeff Lynskey? Had success at minor and a bit at 20s. He would know all those younger players. Has made them very competitive at Fitz with UCG with a rigid system. I know he is a bit marmite but with Cyril Farrell as a selector/advisor might be palatable.


Lynskey couldn’t make the step-up from minor to U-20’s sadly. A lot of players under him would refuse to play under him again.

Brian Hanley was looking good for a while but couldn’t get them over the line when it counted.

If we’re starting a rebuild you’d ideally want lads that achieved at U-20 and we don’t really have that kinda lad floating around bar Tessio, who I heard is happy enough with his time at Galway and wouldn’t be interested even in an underage capacity. Whoever gets it has the hardest job of any manager we’ve had in the last 20 years anyways.

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Not really, expectations are low so he’ll get a free pass for a while at least. A manager is a mini ceo really and a good one will surround himself with the best people available. A long term investment in someone who has the smarts and can park the ego.

As an aside… What is Damien Coleman at these days?, i know very little about him but i recall some pundits mentioning him recently on a podcast as a potential candidate for a director of hurling post with the GAA.

Johnny Kelly wouldn’t be the worst choice surely.

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It’s a tough sell. A new manager knows that results might not be great while a pile of young players are introduced while some old heads depart. Probably have to endure some bad beatings for a few years. You’d imagine that expectations will be on the floor though. If young players even show some fight people will probably accept it for the short term.


There’s a big pool of hurlers in Galway who need time.

Tiernan Kileen, Ian McGlynn, Alex Connaire, Declan McCloughlin, Liam Collins, Kevin Cooney all have huge potential in my book.

Supplement them with Mannion x2, Whelan, Ronan Glennon, Grealish, Fintan Burke & Cianan Fahey.

Youngsters Burke from Oranmore and Aaron Niland.

I won’t talk about the goalkeeper as they’ve never had one in the first place.

Still, No reason why they can’t be a top 5 team very soon again.

I think you’d be surprised how minimal a free pass a new manager might get. The Galway hurling public (myself included) are ruthless pricks at the best of times. No matter how low we go the new manager will be damned if they do and damned if they don’t until they get back to a point of qualifying for Leinster finals. They’ll be slated for picking from only the top senior clubs or they’ll be slated for not scanning intermediates or beyond. They’ll be slated for picking nice tidy hurlers or they’ll be slated for picking robots with no hurling in them.

There’ll be plenty of deluded Galway hurling folk thinking that this year was a blip and with the right man normal service will resume but we’re gonna have some big retirements this winter. We probably didn’t blood enough new lads in the last 3 years so we’ll have an influx of youngsters with no leadership around them.


Ye need a bit of limerickness. Go for TJ Ryan.

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Aka the Co. Board

TJ only comes for the races