Galway Utd Supporters Club

How are bohs my local team?

Get off our pitch you fucking pond scum cunts


Not meant to be sadly. We’ll be back.


Just lacked that little bit of luck/quality in the final third


Roll on the 20th

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Unlucky boy
Loads of silverware OTW to ye in the future

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Bad week for the Comer Brothers


Disappointing result but a really good season. What i took from today and the Dundalk match is that we wont be out of our depth next year if we hold onto most of thus squad.


Dunno why we panicked with a man up and kept firing long balls. Reverting back to last year costs us but tbf I think Bohs had the extra gear if needed. Both wing back slots need top level players for us to survive in 2024.

All in all a very good season.


Big step up
Plus the team’s obviously wrecked after gaining promotion
I know how hard Johnny C pushes
And what he expects
All in all
Ye achieved a hell of a lot

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Very true. I’ve no critique for JC and Ollie really. They had a county starved of any sort of success dreaming today and things look good. You called it in fairness.

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Playing with the big boys now
But knowing your management
They won’t make the same mistakes we made this season,
They’ll buy ( Ollie and JC) quality
Be able to compete properly in the premier division,
And have a good season,
We will be lucky not to get demoted :roll_eyes::scream_cat:

Whose idea was it for Horgan to come in ? Caulfields ?

Think it was the Board and Comers but Caulfield had to agree too. A bit of succession planning to it originally but I think the amount of suspensions Ollie is responsible for opened a few naive eyes.


Ollie is the real deal

Walking around Galway a few yrs back
My youngest had a retro Ccfc top on him,
This chap pulls up in a car , jumps out and starts a 40 plus minute conversation about the LOI,
To say my young fella was impressed is a gross understatement
He’s brilliant,
Kept Harps afloat for years,
Practically single handed on a low budget,
I’ve seen him in grounds all over the land,
Just observing.
I’d give my right bollox to have the pair of them managing cork city fc

FAO of genuine Galway Utd fans
When it turns sour ( only a glitch)
Stick with them
2 of the most honest LOI ppl in the land.

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Should be a fantastic evening for GUFCTFK. We’ve earnt this lads.

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What a night


Glorious scenes

Good job they had the crowd control barriers

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