Galway v Tipp

How many have Galway won?

Tipp to win this by 4 or 5.

Bollix, KK were put to the pin of their collar that day. It was a brilliant game, and a high standard.

Off hand they beat Kilkenny and Tipp there in 2005…

Call it Puke, in a word…

In a word, Tipp

Rubbish, Tipp caught them on an off day and still couldn’t make it count. Galway would not have put KK to the pin of their collar that day, they would have beaten them like they did in 01 and 05, no fuss about it either.

Ah Laz. :lol:


god, these Galway dicktards are really getting ahead of themselves on this one.
face the facts chaps, ye wont beat us on sunday.
yer forwards are shite, Joe Canning is over rated.
our midfield is superior, run at Ger Farragher (get him to defend, see how good he is then)

if Lar plays to his potential on sunday and runs at yer defence then he is capable of winning the game on his own.

yes, Tipp were brutal against Cork, but they played well against Wexford and Offaly and won both games comfortably and were never in trouble.
Same cant be said for Galway when they took on Offaly. Wexford were also fairly even with ye in the 1st half too.

stick to riding yer cousins chaps!!

Good man Noddy :smiley:

For a team in rapid decline that never achieved sweet FA in the first place, Tipp seem to have plenty of ye fooled.
I wouldn’t be comparing the games we played against the Wexicans and the Biffo’s to the games Tipp played against them. Early round high profile championship games tend to have a completely different dynamic to lowly dull qualifier fixtures that usually just tend to be played out in a facile manner. Playing Galway for the first time in Leinster, Wexford and Offaly were always gonna raise their game to give them their own special welcome but Galway still came through even if the biffo’s challenge was much tougher than anticipated. Them games would have been them counties All-Ireland Finals probably. Tipp’s All-Ireland final was 2009 and they blew it, I’d say it could well be a long time before they get to one again.

fine so Lazuras, back up the bullshit your spouting. where on the field of play do Galway have advantages over Tipp?? cant wait to hear what ya have to say.


I’d say roughly no’s 1 to 15 for starters.

Superior sideline too, that has an impact on the field of play as well Noody.

Lazarus and Noddy sound like 2 bald men arguing over a comb.

It’s a tough one to call but Galway have a history of creating good leads, falling asleep at the wheel and losing winning positions.
So I predict just that. Galway to build a good lead like they did against Kilkenny last year[5 points], Waterford last year[6 points] and Cork in 2008 [2 points vs 14 men] and fail to see the game out.
You’d begin to wonder if it’s a fitness thing.
With that in mind, bet of the week, Galway to lead at half time and Tipp to win: 9/2.

You are a fucking idiot.What you know about hurling could be written on the back of a stamp.If you have to vent or spout out through your hole infest another thread with your inane ramblings.Leave the match analysis to people who actually have a breeze what they are talking about.

oh, well answered :rolleyes:
you really know fuck all about hurling.
who are these players ye have on yer superior sideline?? Joe Gantley?? :lol:

I’d actually get the feeling that Tipp would struggle to win coming from behind. Apart from the Waterford game last year I can’t think of too many times where Galway have thrown the game away. Would you count the Cork game in 08?

2 points up playing against 14 men. Yes.

Nah. Two points? Hardly “falling asleep at the wheel.”

I would agree with you, that was probably the best 35 minutes of hurling Cork played in a long time, they were absolutely bulling they would have went through brick walls and would have beaten any team in the land(kilkenny included) that evening…